1. How do you define leadership?
2. What lessons might you learn about leadership if you were mentored by Michelle Obama, the subject of this chapter’s “Leadership Snapshot?”
3. Why do you think Washington chose not to serve a third term? What does this say about his leadership? Use terms from the text.
4. What trait would you say is the most important of the six discussed in the chapter? The least important?
5. Select one of the leaders discussed in the chapter and consider what traits (if any) appear to be absent. Does this suggest that leaders need n possess all six traits in order to be effective?
I define leadership as the ability to influence others to achieve a common goal. A good leader is someone who can motivate and inspire others, set a clear vision, and create a positive work environment. They are also able to make tough decisions and take responsibility for their actions.
If I were mentored by Michelle Obama, I would learn a lot about the importance of:
I believe that these are all important qualities for a leader to have. If I could learn even a fraction of what Michelle Obama knows about leadership, I would be a better leader myself.
George Washington chose not to serve a third term as president because he believed that it was important to set a precedent for term limits. He also felt that it was important for the country to have a peaceful transition of power.
This decision shows that Washington was a wise and selfless leader. He was willing to put the good of the country ahead of his own personal ambitions. He also showed that he was confident in the American people and their ability to choose their own leaders.
The text mentions the following terms in relation to Washington’s decision not to serve a third term: