1. What is the difference between democratic transition and democratic consolidation? Explain.

2. Explain the theory of democratization provided by Lipset.

3. Explain the theory of democratization provided by O’Donnell and his collaborators.

4. What is the principal difference between procedural and substantive definitions of democracy? Explain.

5. What is the principal difference between representative and direct forms of democracy? Explain.


6. Explain authoritarianism. What are key characteristics of it?

7. What distinguishes totalitarianism from other forms of authoritarianism? What are its key characteristics? Provide two country examples of totalitarianism.

8. What are theocracies? What are key characteristics? Provide a country example.

9. What is distinctive about bureaucratic-authoritarian rule, compared to other forms of authoritarianism?

10. Explain the meaning of the phrase “hybrid regime.” What are different ways to call it?

11. Explain the first cause for the rise of authoritarianism discussed in the text.

12. Explain the second cause for the rise of authoritarianism discussed in the text.

13. Explain the third cause for the rise of authoritarianism discussed in the text.

14. Explain the fourth cause for the rise of authoritarianism discussed in the text.

15. Explain the fifth cause for the rise of authoritarianism discussed in the text.

Sample Solution

Different democraticization patterns are frequently used to explain other political occurrences, such as whether a nation enters a war or experiences economic growth. The journey to a more democratic political system, including significant political shifts in that direction, is known as democratization or democratisation. It could be the change from a totalitarian government to a democratic one, from a totalitarian political system to a semi-democratic one, or from a semi-authoritarian political system to a democratic one. The conclusion might be stabilized (like it was in the United Kingdom, for instance), or democratization might experience recurrent setbacks (as happened in Chile).

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