Demographic variables are widely used by marketers to learn about their customers’ differences in terms of age, income, gender, generations…etc.write a minimum of 7 pages APA formatted paper discussing the differences between generation Y (Gen Y) and generation Z (Gen Z) in terms of their shopping behavior, buying habits, and attitudes toward brands and companies.
Gen Y: Gen Y, or Millennials, were born between 1980 and 1994. They are currently between 25-39 years old.
Gen Y.1 = 25-29 years old (31 million people in U.S. as of April, 2020)
Gen Y.2 = 29-39 (42 million people in U.S. as of April, 2020 )
Gen Z: Gen Z is the newest generation to be named and were born between 1995 and 2015.
They are currently between 4-24 years old (nearly 74 million in the U.S.)
How would you utilize Hofstede Cultural Dimensions to learn about generation Y and Zin different cultures?
Sample Solution
hought processes, the unconscious thought, our day to day moves. Whether a person realizes or not, they are always under someone’s studying eye. The human mind and the drive to what makes a person move and act the way they do is something scientists have been trying to grasp for centuries. There are many fields in psychology that try to study just that: Why do humans do the things they do? The psychodynamic approach looks at how society influences a person’s thoughts, how their experiences as a child effects the way they act now, and what exactly is going on in their mind that may have been influences by these outside factors. The psychodynamic approach is supposed to be an inside look at the brain and subconscious. This approach focuses on a person’s thoughts that are necessary to their function and has formed them to be the person they are. Everything a person comes in contact with forms their personality, biological reasoning, and in some cases, their psychological issues. Sigmund Freud, the creator of this idea believed that the unconscious mind was the most vital part of the brain (Lecture Slides). He often compared the unconscious mind to that of an iceberg because the most important piece to both of them are the parts in which cannot be seen (McLeod). The psychodynamic approach is important to psychology because it can give them deeper insight into a persons thought process. As well as the history that could have made an extreme influence forming them into the person they are now. Such as, events in their early childhood that caused permanent trauma and has been pushed to the back of their mind. Freud thought that all psychological issues are rooted from a person’s past and that through multiple evaluations and therapy related sessions, a person can dig back far enough into their subconscious to get to the root of the problems. This specific study almost encapsulates all of the approaches in one. Instead of just asking the “how” it mentions the why, how, and when a person behaves the way they do. Freud also brought up the concept of psychoanalysis. This was a new way of digging into a person’s unconscious thoughts. Although it’s a lengthy process, it’s thought that through time a person can talk their subconscious thoughts to their consciousness. Something Freud believed could be used to get to the root of many people’s psychological illnesses, problems, and behaviors. However, many scientists and psychologists don’t support this approach because there isn’t any scientific proof or data behind his method. There isn’t a way to make sure that it would work and be a good analysis because it works