


Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Primary care providers, not mental health professionals, treat most patients with symptoms of depression. Persons who are depressed have feelings of sadness, loneliness, irritability, worthlessness, hopelessness, agitation, and guilt that may be accompanied by an array of physical symptoms as well as substance abuse. Identifying patients with depression and substance abuse can be difficult in busy primary care settings where time is limited, but certain depression/substance abuse screening tools may help diagnose the disorder.

Discuss a screening tool that can be used in the primary care setting that can help with the identification of patients with depression and or substance abuse. What is your responsibility as a primary care provider to this patient once a disorder has been identified?


Sample Solution

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. The prevalence of at least 1 major depressive episode among US adults aged 18 years or older, was 17.3 million, representing 7.1% of all US adults (National Institute of Mental Health 2020). Careful assessment is an important part of evidence-based practice. Initial assessments of depressive symptoms can help determine possible treatment options, and periodic assessment throughout care can guide treatment and gauge progress. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is widely used to screen for depression and to measure behavioral manifestations and severity of depression. The BDI can be used for ages 13 to 80. The inventory contains 21 self-report items which individuals complete using multiple choice response formats.



Destiny is Love’s Nemesis in “The Definition of Love” by Andrew Marvell

The meaning of adoration by Andrew Marvel is an image of incongruity. Marvell grasps love-related feelings and causes it to suffocate with a quiet, quiet, quiet tones. Wonder composed a slight energy, asserting that destiny itself would contradict genuine affection. Wonder initially depicted Fate as the purpose behind his harsh love history in the second from last quarter. (Lines 9 to 12) With this as a main priority, it is characteristic that disdain of Marvel’s predetermination will stream into the following two quarters.

Andrew Marvell’s sonnet “To His Coy Mistress” is proposed to catch the genuine affection of adoration. This is around the world. Romance is significant today as it was during the 1600s. Character in this sonnet, most likely Andrew Marvel himself needs to have intercourse with a lady by sexual orientation. It is presumably a conduct of affection, that lady is by all accounts safe. He attempted to convince her to pass on today or snatch the present life. This sonnet is a story isolated into three sections. The initial segment is verification of that time. “On the off chance that we are adequately worldwide, time, this lady won’t perpetrate a wrongdoing” (lines 1-2). Andrew Marville accentuates time. Time is the most significant as the relationship isn’t so significant. This job will attempt to convince his darling to give her affection, most likely her virgin to him. He disclosed to her that it is time now, and it might be grieved in the event that she was pausing. She should snatch this day. In the present culture it is more apparent than in the 1600’s.

The meaning of adoration by Andrew Marvel is an image of incongruity. Marvell grasps love-related feelings and causes it to suffocate with a quiet, quiet, quiet tones. Wonder composed a slight energy, asserting that destiny itself would restrict genuine romance. – You can characterize love. At some point, I was dealing with my multi year old whore, one of the most sumptuous darlings. At the point when she was sitting close to my sweetheart’s sibling Matthew and eating potato chips, she said she said “I like him without question.” She gulped potato chips, however I unquestionably need it more. More articulation of adoration dribbles from her lips. At long last, an issue has emerged. “Reg, would you be able to purchase more chips?”



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