Descriptive statistics techniques to real-world datasets

What is the type of data (Quantitative or Qualitative) for each of the columns (variables) in the dataset? If quantitative, is the data discrete or continuous? Neatly summarize your response in a table for all the columns (variables).
Using Excel®, find the mean, median, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and the three quartiles for each of the quantitative variables identified in part 1 above. Neatly summarize in a table on this document. Comment on what you observe.
What are the minimum and maximum full-time enrollments? Which schools have the minimum and maximum full-time enrollments?
What is the average number of students per faculty member? Is this low or high? What does this mean to prospective applicants who are interested in pursuing an MBA in one of the leading international business schools?
What are the mean, median, and modal ages? What does this mean to prospective applicants?
What is the mean percentage of foreign students? How many and which schools have 1% and 0% foreign students? Which schools have highest percentage of foreign students? Please state these percentages.
What percentage of schools require the GMAT test?
What percentage of schools require English tests such as Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)?
What percentage of schools require work experience? From this percentage, does this appear to be a significant factor in gaining admissions?
What are the mean and median starting salaries? Which schools have the minimum and maximum starting salaries? How much are these minimum and maximum salaries?
What are the mean tuition for foreign students and for local students? Does there appear to be a significant difference? What is the difference between the two means?
How many schools require work experience and how many of them don’t? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring work experience? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring no work experience?
How many schools require English tests and how many don’t? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring English tests? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring no English tests?

Sample Solution

understand the difficulties of the problem which we are trying to resolve. Along these lines, Popper affirms that; this is the way one turns out to be better acquainted with one’s issues, and competent to offer a more created answer. This means that, refutation of a theory brings us nearer to the truth that is, if such theory passed such critical test it becomes clearer and more enlighten
From the above, it becomes so clear that Popper does not believe in certainty or absolute knowledge. For him, therefore, certainty is absolutely impossible. Thus, Popper admonishes us that; we need to get accustomed to the idea that, we must not see science as a body of knowledge, rather, as a body of conjectures; that is to say, as a system of guesses or hypotheses which one cannot justify in principle, but with which one operates as long as they are able to pass critical testing of which one can never justified in saying that one knows they are true or certain or even probable. Consequently, he guarantees that; “Our insight must be limited while our lack of awareness should essentially be endless.” What the above statement means is that our claims about the world are not certain, because our knowledge of the world is limited but our ignorance is unlimited.
3.2 Observation and Falsifiability
According to David Hume, it is the object of experience that imposes itself in our mind; however, Karl Popper rejects this position and rather goes with Immanuel Kant’s position which holds that it is the mind which imposed its expectations on nature. For Popper, therefore, this imaginatively invented expectation is what a scientist tests step by step.’ Popper, therefore, refused to accept the traditional inductivist position; which state that, ‘observation leads to theory’. For Popper theory comes before observation. This is because; the scientific activity is nothing more than problem-solving. A scientist when faced with difficult realities attempted to create possible explanations or theories to confront such difficulty, he does this by making speculations or conjectures after which he tries to put those speculations and conjectures into severe examination by testing them against experience to see if they correspond to the present state of affair. He succinctly expresses his position in this manner; a scientist, first of all, puts forward a hypothesis which is conjectural in nature and then, the scientist tries to observe if his hypothesis corresponds to what he has observed he does so by testing his hypothesis against experience by observ

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