Design a steam power plant that is efficient.


1. Design a steam power cycle that can achieve a cycle efficiency of at least 40 percent under
conditions that all turbines have isentropic efficiencies of 80 percent and all pumps have
isentropic efficiencies of 65 percent. Prepare an engineering report describing your design.
Your design should include the following,
a. Discussions of various cycles attempted to meet the goal as well as the positive and
negative aspects of your design.
b. System figures and T-s diagrams with labelled states and temperatu

enthalpy and entropy information for your design.
c. Show at least one sample calculation for each new system implemented.
d. If you are using programming language for the generation of more data, you are
expected to attach the code or programme as an appendix. Programmes such as
MATLAB, EXCEL and EES (Engineering Equation Solver) might be used for this
2. Early commercial vapor power plants operated with turbine inlet conditions of about 12 bar
and 200oC. Plants are under development today that can operate at over 34 MPa, with turbine
inlet temperatures of 650oC or higher. How have steam generator or turbine designs changed
over the years to allow for such increases in pressure and temperature? Discuss. (800 -1500
words maximum)

Sample Solution

Acute occlusion of a lower extremity artery may occur with chronic PAD and development of an acute thrombosis. It is called “critical limb ischemia” when the chronic development of peripheral artery occlusive disease in the lower extremity becomes severe. It is manifested by ischemic ulcers of the foot. Ischemic ulcers often begin as minor traumatic wounds and fail to hail because the blood supply is insufficient to meet the increased demands of the healing tissue. Ulcerations caused by ischemia are typically lcated at the termination of arterial branches. They are commonly found on the tips of the toes and between the digits. They can also form at increased focal pressure, such as lateral malleolus and metatarsal heads. In addition to ulcers, patient can present a gangrenous digit or foot. Gangrene can either be dry or wet. Dry gangrene is characterized by a hard, dry texture, often with a clear demarcation between viable and black, necrotic tissue. This form of gangrene is common in patients with PAD. Wet gangrene is characterized by its moist appearance, gross swelling, and blistering. Wet gangrene is a surgical emergency. Pt presented in the ED with wet gangrene, and dry gangrene post op.
(Neschis, 2016)
Ischemia sufficient to threaten a limb occurs when arterial blood flow is insufficient to meet the metabolic demands of resting muscle or tissue. Once patient’s body is unable to maintain the metabolic needs, it goes into anaerobic metabolism, which is seen in labs as high lactic acid. Acute thrombosis of sites of stenosis in which the blood flow impairment was hemodynamically significant can occur and present with acute symptoms., such as pain, pallor, paresthesias, paralysis, pulselessness, and poikilothermia(coldness). Symptoms of parethesias and paralysis may indicate advanced ischemia that is affecting nerve pathways of the extremity. Patient had ischemic ulcer in L foot, and signs of parethesias, pulselessness, and pain.
(Baird, 2016 p590, Porth, 2011 p415)
The presence of ischemia from occlusion to a lower extremity influences the ti

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