After a Hard Day’s Work at ACME
In this Module 3 Case, you have the opportunity to delve further into the talent management function and HR’s role in it. As you may recall from the video on talent management, performance management, learning and motivating, compensation, career development, and succession planning all are contributors to building a strong talent pool.
You will learn more about two employees who have been with ACME, Inc. for two years. Andy is working as a quality assurance specialist in the plant and Ismal is an IT robotics specialist. These employees are friends and often meet outside of work with a few other ACME employees, including Henry, a new employee recently hired as an HR Staffing Specialist.
Ismal caught some movement out of the corner of his eye. It was a video on the overhead TV screen:
Seven Dimensions (2021). 4 Essentials for Compassionate Leadership. Insights and Strategies: Workplace Skills. 10:49 minute video. Available in the Trident Online Library, Films on Demand.
“Quiet….Listen to this,” pleaded Ismal. The table of acquaintances turned to the screen. “That’s it–I make good money at ACME, but lately I feel something is missing.”
“Something is missing? Ismal, you are lucky. Many things are missing for me, ever since I got my new manager…” said Andy.
“Yep, more than one thing for me too,” said Ismal, thinking about his own lousy boss.
Your Role: You are Henry, the HR staffing specialist. Henry wants to impress his HR boss and thought “what an opportunity….I’m going to prepare a detailed plan to save ACME from losing these and other ACME star employees as well.”
Case Assignment
Prepare a 3- to 4-page actionable strategy addressing HR’s role (ACME-wide) related to employee retention. Pull in as many good HR practices as possible that Henry could employ to help in employee performance, motivation, and retention. The strategic plan that you develop for Henry to use should cover recommended actions for the organization during the next 12 months.

Sample Solution

CME Employee Retention Strategy: 12-Month Plan


High employee turnover is a costly problem for organizations. This plan outlines a comprehensive strategy to address employee retention at ACME Inc. by focusing on talent management practices encompassing performance management, learning and motivation, compensation, career development, and succession planning. This plan leverages Henry’s role as HR Staffing Specialist to implement these practices over the next 12 months.

Current Situation

Conversations between Ismal and Andy highlight dissatisfaction with their work environment. This suggests potential retention issues at ACME. Implementing strong HR practices can address these concerns and create a more engaging workplace.

HR’s Role in Retention

HR plays a critical role in fostering a positive work environment and reducing turnover. The proposed plan incorporates the following HR practices:

  • Performance Management:
    • Implement a structured performance management system with clear expectations, regular feedback sessions, and performance reviews.
    • Train managers on providing constructive feedback and development coaching.
  • Learning and Motivation:
    • Conduct a skills gap analysis to identify employee training needs.
    • Offer training and development opportunities aligned with career growth and company goals.
    • Implement internal recognition programs to acknowledge achievements and employee contributions.
  • Compensation and Benefits:
    • Conduct a compensation and benefits review to ensure competitive pay and benefits packages.
    • Consider offering flexible work arrangements and other work-life balance initiatives.
  • Career Development:
    • Develop career development paths for employees to visualize their future at ACME.
    • Offer mentorship programs linking senior employees with junior staff for guidance.
    • Foster internal job postings to encourage promotions and career progression.
  • Succession Planning:
    • Identify high-potential employees and create development plans for future leadership roles.
    • Encourage cross-training and knowledge sharing to ensure institutional knowledge remains within ACME.

Actionable Strategies (12 Months)

Month 1-3:

  • HR Audit: Conduct a comprehensive HR audit to assess current practices related to performance management, learning and development, compensation and benefits, career development, and succession planning.
  • Employee Surveys: Conduct anonymous employee surveys to understand employee satisfaction, key issues, and areas for improvement.

Month 4-6:

  • Develop HR Policies and Procedures: Develop and implement clear and consistent HR policies and procedures covering performance management, compensation, time off, and other relevant areas.
  • Performance Management Training: Train managers on the new performance management system, including providing constructive feedback and conducting effective performance reviews.
  • Training Needs Identification: Conduct a skills gap analysis to identify employee training needs aligned with company goals.

Month 7-9:

  • Learning and Development Programs: Develop and implement training and development programs based on the identified skills gap.
  • Employee Recognition Programs: Implement employee recognition programs to celebrate achievements and foster a culture of appreciation.
  • Compensation and Benefits Review: Conduct a compensation and benefits review to ensure competitive pay and benefits packages.

Month 10-12:

  • Career Development Programs: Develop career development programs to provide employees with opportunities for growth and progression within ACME.
  • Mentorship Programs: Implement mentorship programs connecting senior employees with junior staff for guidance.
  • Succession Planning: Identify high-potential employees and develop personalized development plans for them.

Evaluation and Continuous Improvement

  • Regularly monitor employee engagement through surveys and focus groups.
  • Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as employee turnover rate, absenteeism, and performance improvement.
  • Conduct regular reviews of HR practices and policies to ensure their effectiveness.


By implementing this strategic plan, Henry and the HR department can significantly improve employee retention at ACME. Focusing on performance management, learning and motivation, compensation, career development, and succession planning will create a more engaging work environment and cultivate a loyal and productive workforce. The plan emphasizes continuous improvement through ongoing evaluation and adjustments based on employee feedback and data. By investing in its employees, ACME can ensure it retains top talent and achieves long-term success.


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