Developmental factor that affects L.B’s adaptation


L.B. a 17 year-old African American male tells his parents “my arms and legs hurt a lot more than usual today. The ibuprofen has stopped working and I need something stronger. I may have overdone it at the gym.” At 11 months of age L.B. was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. Since then he has experienced chronic low-grade pain in his back and extremities that he has managed with ibuprofen and rest although he tries to get as much regular exercise as possible. He has experienced approximately 3 episodes of acute pain each year since then. He was accepted to his dream university and plans to live on campus in the dorms.
Briefly explain the pathophysiological change the occurs with patients who have sickle cell anemia?
What is the likely cause to this patient’s current pain crisis?
Discuss one developmental factor that affects L.B’s adaptation to his altered hematological function.

Sample Solution

Developmental factor that affects L.B`s adaptation

Sickle cell anemia is one of a group of disorders known as sickle cell disease. Sickle cell anemia is an inherited red blood cell disorder in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body. In sickle cell anemia, the abnormal hemoglobin causes red blood cells to become rigid, sticky and misshapen. Both mother and father must pass the defective form of the gene for a child to be affected. If only one parent passes the sickle cell gene to the child, that child will have the sickle cell trait.

rks are those marks where an unmistakable shading or blend of tones is related with an item or brand and takes us to the first source. Albeit graphical portrayal may not be an obstacle for shading marks, they are not effectively allowed. Segment 10 of Trade Marks Act, 1999 discussions about enlistment of a shading mix yet just when such shading blend is available in a generally customary logo or imprint so the shading is auxiliary and the plan of the imprint is the essential thing to get enrolled as an exchange mark. Basically the Act can safeguard a specific imprint in a specific shading blend however not simply the shading. Nonetheless, the Act doesn’t bar tones and shading mixes from the domain of the meaning of exchange mark by the same token. Another deterrent confronted is the Functionality Doctrine. Its says that a shading can’t be a brand name assuming the shading is useful in nature. Under this ‘usefulness precept’, assuming the component of the item for which insurance is looked for is valuable or influences the expense or the nature of the article, with the end goal that conceding brand name assurance to the element would put contenders in a tough spot, the element isn’t qualified for brand name security. For instance, a court held that dark when utilized on detachable boat engines fills a utilitarian need, since dark is viable with any remaining boat tones and furthermore in light of the fact that dark causes the engine to seem more modest. The main fruitful instance of shading brand name was in the US. In Qualitex Co. v Jacobson Products Company, Inc. the applicant organization had been involving a unique shade of green-gold for their laundry press cushions since the 1950s. In 1989, Jacobson Products Co. begun utilizing a fundamentally the same as shade of green-gold on its own press cushions. Qualitex Co. got it’s shade of green-gold reserved and furthermore sued Jacobson for encroachment. One more issue looked by shading marks is the chance of there being suit over shades of a similar shading. An answer for this issue is assignment of a shading utilizing a universally perceived distinguishing proof code like Pantone as such codes are considered to be exact and stable. The Pantone is a business framework that assigns explicit shades mathematically and orders more than thousand such shades by interesting codes. Tiffany and Co’s. one of a kind shade of blue ‘Tiffany Blue’ has been an enrolled brand name starting around 1998 and furthermore has its own custom Pantone number – 1837, the year the organization was established. T-Mobile’s shading ‘Fuchsia’, Mattel’s ‘Barbie Pink’, UPS’s ‘Pullman Brown’ are a few additional instances of shading marks. India is yet to set priority, taking everything into account.

Smell Mark
Smell marks or Olfactory imprints depend on their unmistakable smell to help the shoppers to remember the source for example the brand or the maker of the item. When unmistakable, a smell is quite possibly the most remarkable way to separate the merchandise of one vendor from those of the other. Smell marks are perhaps the most troublesome sort of imprint to get enrolled. Nonetheless, smell being so emotional, might be seen distinctively by various individuals. The subjectivit

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