Different layers of homeland defense.


List and describe the three different layers of homeland defense.


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The three different layers of homeland defense are the strategic, operational and tactical layers. The strategic layer is concerned with defending the nation from threats such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters (Department of Homeland Security 2009). This includes activities such as preventing illegal immigration, protecting against cyber espionage, and conducting risk assessment to identify potential disaster scenarios.

The operational layer focuses on responding to events in real-time and is primarily comprised of federal investigative agencies such as Border Patrol or the FBI (U.S. Department of Justice 2016). These organizations are responsible for gathering intelligence and developing contingency plans to prepare for any potential threats that may arise.

Finally, the tactical layer involves operations carried out at a local level by state and municipal law enforcement (National Governors Association 2019). This often includes activities such as maintaining public safety during large-scale events or providing protection for critical infrastructure like airports or power plants. All these efforts work together to create an effective system of defense against external threats within the United States.

reply to the Teacher. Specialists like Ely (1984) and Samimy (1991) contemplated Risk taking and considered Risk Taking as one of the attributes of good students. Swain (1985) states that active participation of the students in arrangement of importance through information gives students significant output. Important input is basic in framing semantic skill and significant output is vital in shaping syntactic skill. Thus, Student quietness in classroom is the issue of EFL Teachers.

In any case, scientists don’t all concur that absence of Risk Taking capacity isn’t exclusively external. Analysts included not just non-Student related components or outside elements yet additionally Student related or inner variables.

Student related variables comprise of individual and full of feeling factors identified with students Risk Taking performance. They incorporate age, gender, identity, motivation, confidence and anxiety. Students’ Risk taking conduct is affected by outer factors, for example, their social convictions or practices, their learning circumstance, for example,

Teachers’ attitude, teaching style and other course related components like class size and classroom exercises. Ely (1989), in a classroom perception and sound chronicle the members trying to discover the connection between Risk Taking and oral support, reasoned that there was a critical connection between classroom participation and oral capability.

Risk Taking elements can be sorted as Student related variables those that influence students from inside and non-Student related elements those that influence students from outside and exist in Language learning condition. Student related variables or interior components are those that the individual Language student carries with him/her to the specific learning circumstances include: inspiration, confidence, anxiety, and personality trait. External elements are those that portray the specific Language-learning circumstance. Non Student related elements affecting risk taking conduct of the Language students incorporate their learning circumstance, for example, Teacher’s attitude and teaching styles and course related elements like class size and classroom action.



Community Language learning or advising getting the hang of as indicated by Curran (1976), proposes an agreeable and warm atmosphere in which students are urged to practice activities t

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