Difficulties of finding new talent to fit the needs of international organizations


After you have read about the difficulties of finding new talent to fit the needs of
international organizations, please respond according to the following:
Create an artistic visual that shows five of the most important challenges of global
talent acquisition specific to international employers and rank them in importance to
business success. Your visual can be a colorful chart, a flyer, or drawing, as long as
it is in a format that is accepted in TLC. The use of color is encouraged for this

discuss in detail the top issue (#1) and your bottom issue (#5) and explain why
you ranked them as you did. Note, there is no requirement to discuss all five issues,
just these two

Sample Solution

Global Talent Acquisition Challenges: A Balancing Act


Imagine a colorful scale with five sections, each labeled with a challenge of global talent acquisition. The sections are sized proportionally to their ranking of importance (see explanation below). Here’s a breakdown of the colors and assigned weights:

  • Rank 1 (Largest Section, Red): Cultural Integration Challenges (30%) – Deep red signifies the significant impact this issue can have on business success.
  • Rank 2 (Orange): Competition for Top Talent (25%) – Orange reflects the heated competition in the global talent market.
  • Rank 3 (Yellow): Legal and Regulatory Complexities (20%) – Yellow highlights the potential hurdles presented by legal and regulatory differences.
  • Rank 4 (Light Green): Language Barriers (15%) – Light green signifies the importance of communication but with a lesser impact compared to cultural integration.
  • Rank 5 (Light Blue): Cost and Time Investment (10%) – Light blue represents the resource investment needed, considered the least impactful on overall success.


#1 Challenge: Cultural Integration Challenges (Red)

Cultural integration is ranked as the most critical challenge in global talent acquisition. Here’s why:

  • Impact on Business Performance: A successful international team goes beyond technical skills. Understanding and respecting diverse work styles, communication preferences, and decision-making processes are crucial for effective collaboration and achieving business goals.
  • Employee Engagement and Retention: Employees who feel valued and integrated into the company culture are more likely to be engaged, productive, and stay with the organization.
  • Brand Reputation: Fostering an inclusive and respectful work environment for international talent contributes to a positive employer brand, attracting and retaining top performers globally.

#5 Challenge: Cost and Time Investment (Light Blue)

The cost and time associated with global talent acquisition are ranked as the least impactful challenge. Here’s the reasoning:

  • Long-Term Return on Investment (ROI): While upfront costs might seem high (e.g., relocation assistance, visa processing), recruiting diverse talent can bring long-term benefits through increased innovation, market reach, and global competitiveness.
  • Strategic Investment: The cost and time investment should be viewed as a strategic investment in building a strong and adaptable global workforce.
  • Technological Advancements: Technology advancements like video conferencing and online collaboration tools can help streamline the recruitment process and reduce some costs associated with international hiring.


Global talent acquisition presents challenges, but the rewards of a diverse and culturally competent workforce are significant. By prioritizing cultural integration and viewing the investment as strategic, international organizations can navigate these challenges and build successful global teams.


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