Digital Marketing


Analyzing an example of cultural branding that engages with
online crowd culture.
Academic Level : Bachelor
Paper details
You must select a company/brand(NOT Google) and analyze it.
1. Introduction: How do you approach this question?
Read Douglas Holt’s article Branding in the Age of Social Media (see, playing particular
attention to his analysis of Chipotle’s marketing strategy. Develop your own example
and analyse it. If you do not read this article, you will most likely fail.
Briefly outline your understanding of what is meant by the terms ‘cultural branding’ and
‘crowd culture’. Note the bare minimum preparation is to read Holt’s short article.
Students should identify, through their own self-directed reading, additional relevant

You should also introduce how you will be approaching this questioning, providing a
structure for your assignment (clear signposting). A good introduction will also
possess a strong ‘hook’ to grab the reader’s attention and encourage them to read
on. Remember this is your shop window and the markers will assess whether they
are looking at a 70+, average 50 or bad fail based on the quality of the writing in the
introduction. This should be your best work, where each word has been carefully
2. Main body of the assignment
This section should be about weighing up the different perspectives of the so called
crowdsourcing and cultural branding. Your arguments should be substantiated, both
theoretically and practically, using a range of pertinent examples. Whatever your
personal opinion, you should try to provide some balanced arguments to show that
you understand a full range of perspectives, perhaps using a stakeholder analysis
framework. You will need to provide references and examples, drawn from the
curriculum and your wider reading, to support your arguments. Tip: it is likely that
your writing is descriptive rather than analytical. Reviewing CeDAS web page
resources on ‘critical analysis’ and using Critical Thinking Skills books from Stella
Cottrell (ebook in library collection) and Tom Chatfield BEFORE you attempt to write
this report will likely boost your grade substantially.
3. Conclusion: What is your overall evaluation? Here you should draw together the
arguments you have presented. There is no particular right or wrong answer, but you
are expected to put across an integrated argument that considers a variety of
viewpoints. This conclusion should be well crafted, as your last words on the topic,
this section should be easy reading (no new ideas introduced) that emphasizes the
key arguments from the body text using a similar but different range of phrases.
4. References
High quality Harvard referencing should be provided in the bibliography, with frequent
in text citations to support each point you make. Remember no bullets and authors
last names appear first. For this assignment, you need to demonstration your wide
engagement with the materials presented to you in Moodle MN2325 and you should
put particular focus on the assigned text books and journal readings, internet
sources should be used only sparingly. This requirement ensures only bona fide
students of the module will be able to address the question.
Marking Criteria
Credibility of data and evidence presented (40%): Evidence of careful selection and use
of veracious, timely and pertinent quantitative data and qualitative expert opinion,
that draws from your module learning journey.
Structure and organisation (20%):
A clear argument is evident. Ideas, concepts and materials are methodically presented.
Carefully considered titles summarize the main point of each section. The
introduction and summary are complete and complimentary and work as an
effective bookend pairing.


Sample Solution

Byronic Hero Essay

Common legends are great, all that they do is correct. However, since it is in a sentimental period, they are indivisible. Byron made another sort legend, Byronic Hero In the film “First Blood”, John Rambo is the ideal case of Byronic Hero. In this film, John Rambo is an insubordinate and dull character, too delicate and enthusiastic. He will bend over backward for his vocation. John Rambo is a misstep of harmony that was once tormented by recollections of Vietnam, a green beret top of the past. He has no family, nobody is helping his homestead.

Byron’s saint: Byron’s legend is a variation of a wannabe. Bilonia’s legend named after Sir Byron’s verse is generally a shrewd, genuinely delicate, thoughtful and negative individual. Byron legends are regularly extremely appealing, however they are not kidding imperfections and they may do things that are considered socially unsuitable in light of the fact that they are not in amicability with the standard society. Byron’s saint has its own conviction not to allow anybody to lose. From the outset it may not be self-evident, yet somewhere inside, Byron’s legend is likewise extremely childish.

The journey of Lord Byron ‘s relatives Harold is accepted to be the presentation of Byron’ s saint in writing. A few instances of Bilonic saints are Heathcliffs from Rochester from Jane Aven of Charlotte Bronte and Heathercliff from Useling Heights of Emily Bronte. Talk about the Byron saints how Rui talked with vampires. During the twentieth century, publicity through media, nuclear bomb and majority rule government developed as a worldwide power, yet truly it was an atomic age. In his book The Wounded Healer, Henri Nouwen says that the change of individuals from the Pronuclear Age to the Nuclear Age is one of the “atomic individuals” and his good faith about the eventual fate of humanity I referenced. The tenet changed aimlessly and the demeanor towards death was stressed. A few ages of bonds, legacy, and family, these are no longer sparks of presence. All things considered, the atomic individual moved from his folks to his ally to all the more likely comprehend his directional objectives throughout everyday life. Recall the second discussion among Armand and Louis.

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