Digital Marketing Plan Analysis


Your small marketing consulting firm was recently hired by Costa’s Customs. Costa’s Customs is a clothing retail company considering a complete rebranding, as their current reputation is dated and no longer appealing to desired market segments. In the past, Costa’s Customs experimented with digital marketing initiatives but the campaign had been poorly thought out and poorly implemented. The previous campaign had very little engagement and was a failure that turned management off from online marketing channels completely. Costa’s Customs’ current marketing strategy ignores all forms of digital marketing. They’ve come to your company for advice and recommendations for improving their marketing efforts. Your administrator has put together some preliminary research on Costa’s Customs’ background for you to look over. Click on the link below and read through it in order to familiarize yourself with the business.

Costa’s Customs’ Company Profile

Before making any final decisions about a new campaign, Costa’s Customs would like you to look over their last attempt at digital marketing. It was a complete failure, and Costa’s Customs wants to know why in order to prevent similar mistakes from happening in the future. Your administrator has included details on a simplified version of Costa’s Custom’s digital marketing campaign, which you can find in the company profile. Read through the document and then write a report to highlight some of your observations both positive and negative. Costa’s Customs’ is looking for an initial analysis of the thought and strategy behind their last failed campaign. They are not looking for suggested improvements or changes, but are more focused on an ability to create a digital marketing plan that demonstrates consistency between sections.
The following should be completed in your report to Costa’s Customs’:
Identify positives and negatives of the current situation analysis.
Interpret the impact that each could have on the overall digital marketing campaign.
Determine whether the objectives are properly influenced by findings in the situation analysis.
Interpret the impact that this could have on the overall digital marketing campaign.
Support your opinion with observations from the company profile document.
Analyze the alignment and consistency between objectives, strategies, and tactics.
Interpret the impact that this could have on the overall digital marketing campaign.
Support your opinion with observations from the company profile document.
State your opinion on whether you believe this digital marketing plan provides value to the business and promotes engagement with customers.
Include thoughts on if there is a proper balance between selling and branding initiatives.
Support your opinion with observations from the company profile document.


Sample Solution

Analysis of Costa’s Customs’ Past Digital Marketing Campaign


This report analyzes Costa’s Customs’ previous attempt at a digital marketing campaign to identify strengths and weaknesses to inform future strategies.

Situation Analysis:


  • (Assuming the document provided some customer insights) Gathering customer data for the situation analysis is a positive step. Understanding the target audience is crucial for any marketing campaign.


  • The report lacks details on the specifics of the situation analysis. Without knowing the depth and accuracy of the customer data collected, it’s impossible to assess its true value.
  • The report doesn’t mention competitor analysis. Examining competitors’ strategies and audience engagement is essential for developing a differentiated approach.


Incomplete or inaccurate customer data and neglecting competitor analysis can lead to targeting the wrong audience with irrelevant messages. This significantly hinders campaign effectiveness.


The report doesn’t mention if the objectives were clearly defined or how they connected to the situation analysis.


Unclear or unrealistic objectives not aligned with the situation analysis can lead to a campaign that fails to achieve its goals.

Alignment & Consistency:

The report doesn’t provide details on the campaign’s strategies and tactics, making it impossible to assess their alignment with the objectives.


Misaligned strategies and tactics can lead to a disjointed campaign that confuses the target audience and fails to deliver on its promises.

Value & Engagement:

Without details on the campaign’s execution, it’s impossible to determine its value or ability to engage customers.

Selling vs. Branding:

The report doesn’t mention the balance between selling and branding initiatives.


A purely sales-focused campaign can feel pushy and alienate potential customers. Conversely, neglecting brand building can leave customers with a vague understanding of what Costa’s Customs represents.


The lack of details in the provided company profile hinders a comprehensive analysis. However, based on the available information, the past campaign appears to have suffered from:

  • Incomplete situation analysis.
  • Unclear objectives.
  • Misalignment between objectives, strategies, and tactics.

These factors likely contributed to the campaign’s failure to engage customers and achieve its goals.


Moving forward, Costa’s Customs should prioritize:

  • Conducting a thorough situation analysis that includes competitor analysis and in-depth customer insights.
  • Setting clear and measurable objectives based on the situation analysis.
  • Developing a cohesive digital marketing plan with aligned strategies and tactics that support the objectives.
  • Striking the right balance between building brand awareness and promoting specific products or services.

By addressing these points, Costa’s Customs can develop a future digital marketing campaign that effectively engages customers and drives results.


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