Digital Media and Society.


Hopefully, you enjoyed this class on Digital Media and Society.

Question #1:
Has your impression of digital media and society changed after taking this class? How? What in your opinion is the future of digital media and the Internet?

Topic 2: One Takeaway

There are no readings assigned this week. Reflect on the weekly Read & Watch content you have been exposed to throughout the semester to craft your response.
There are many interesting concepts, ideas, and theories presented in this class. We talked Curly Fries, Filter Bubbles, Global Collaboration, Digital Divide, Privacy, Big Data…
Question #2:
What is the most important thing you have learned from this class? What is your Number One Takeaway?

Sample Solution

of text-books and hands-on games/activities. These active/object based learning methods exist to cater all pupils and abilities in the classroom and to allow different learners to feel included. ‘’Any time one teaches from direct experience, students are able to approach the subject in the way that best suits them; the kinaesthetic-tactile students are able to handle and manipulate real objects or to move around as part of a stimulation.’’ And similarly, “Real objects are concrete, and some students need the concrete to learn.’’ Grant (1983, p.155 and p.173) emphasises in these two points, that through kinaesthetic learning and real objects, pupils can acquire information from their own body movement. Their muscles, tendons and joints create data that enables this learning experience to further grow and for them to make sense of the stimulus. This is extremely relevant in a design and technology classroom as this is where imagination grows generated from data collected through the body and executed into innovative designs.

This supports John Dewey’s theory (1983) of experimental learning and understanding through such methods of teaching, allowing a holistic view of pupil learning experiences, as well as taking into consideration assessment for learning when reflecting on successes and failures. Grant (1983, p.145) states, ‘’The learner is like a television set which can receive information on several channels. Usually, one channel comes in more clearly and more strongly than the others and the learner may come to rely on that channel as the primary means of learning and expression.’’ Object based learning provides this direct experience that enables the application as well as the acknowledgment of experimental learning styles for both the pupil and the teachers benefit.

On the other hand, Christodoulou (2014, p.101) states, ‘’..the most effective way of remembering something is to think about it.’’ To learn a concept, one must think about it to learn and to then apply it. She goes onto state that pupils should be taught they have the ability to solve real world problems but individually, avoiding teaching them that they can already solve those problems themselves, Christodoulou (2014, p.104). This type of learning method offers fewer avenues for differently skilled pupils to walk through and learn. Teachers as well as pupils need to be able to identify varied pupil learning styles to support and recognise pupil development and assessment also. When limited aspects of these are experienced, there leaves less confidence in the pupil-teacher relationship. This passive and theoretical type of learning promotes pupil disengagement, where pupils can only depend on fewer senses for them to be able to participate

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