Disaster in the Community.

Answer the following questions.
1. Identify and discuss the types of disasters.
2. Mention and discuss two natural or man-made disasters that recently occurred and discuss how they affect the community health.
3. Discuss the stages of disaster management.
4. Describe and discuss the role and responsibilities of nurses in relation to disasters.

Sample Solution

The Problem of Teenage Gangs

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adolescent posse portrayalAdolescence is one of the most troublesome and violent times of life for the two guardians and their youngsters. During their travel from adolescence to grown-up life, young people look to self-distinguish and attempt to discover their place on the planet; they figure out how to interface with their general public, embrace social standards, and characterize their life needs. Shockingly, this procedure isn’t constantly smooth. A few adolescents try different things with substances, and some engage in criminal operations. Probably the most concerning issue a youngster can get into during youth is turning into a piece of an adolescent group.

For what reason would an adolescent even need to join a posse? Specialists trust it may be associated with a longing to pick up power and regard in the high school society chain of importance: packs ordinarily draw in youths who need to have a place with a regarded network that gives security and secrecy, and simultaneously will in general be helpless to peer pressure. Dr. Kenneth Sladkin, a kid and youthful specialist in the Fort Lauderdale region, says that notwithstanding the high quantities of youngsters in posses, most of them despite everything don’t acknowledge criminal gathering norms: of the assessed 800,000 pack individuals in the United States, most of their adolescent individuals rather may be portrayed as criminal “wannabes.” “For these children, the groups are practically similar to social clubs. They meet in school and discussion about who’s right now that group. They’re not the adolescents who are remaining out throughout the night and getting stirred up in wrongdoing and turf wars,” trusts Dr. Sladkin (HealthyChildren).

Does it mean the issue of youngsters taking an interest in groups isn’t worth consideration? No. The level of genuine crooks among adolescents is still high; also, even detached support in a posse (like depicted by Dr. Sladkin) still builds the odds that a young person will get snared in drugs (habit or dealing), vandalism, burglary, and theft (HealthyChildren). What is considerably all the more upsetting, regardless of whether a youngster stops a pack, the probability of that person engaging in illicit issues in adulthood stays high. As per look into, young people who joined a posse in pre-adulthood had multiple times higher opportunities to get unlawful earnings between ages 27 and 33. This implies regardless of whether an adolescent doesn’t carry out a wrongdoing now, the person in question will do it later. Moreover, regardless of whether they are not carrying out wrongdoings, previous pack individuals are at a three-times higher danger of creating substance addictions in a later age; they are additionally twice as liable to have unforeseen weakness and be needing accepting open help. This isn’t to make reference to a fundamentally lower probability of effectively moving on from school (University of Washington).

For those guardians worried about whether their kid may turn into an individual from a group, there is a lot of criteria with respect to a youngster’s conduct as well as appearance to focus on; if probably a portion of coming up next is valid for your situation, you can associate your kid with being an individual from a posse:

dropping evaluations and additionally issues at school

issues with police

profoundly changing companions and the nearest condition

unexpected changes in garments, particularly including explicit shading plans and posse images

not giving a lot of consideration to family or regular family exercises

covering up or not ready to discuss their extracurricular and open air exercises

having huge measures of cash while being jobless and being not able or reluctant to clarify their sources (Teen Help)

Joining a posse may be an outrageous method for high school revolt; youthfulness is simply when adolescents try to set up themselves in a social progressive system, and being a piece of a group may appear to be an impressive choice for them. In spite of the fact that not all young people in posses become hoodlums and perpetrate wrongdoings (for the most part they are “wannabe crooks”), being an individual from a group can at present lead to issues later: including substance misuse, unforeseen weakness, engaging in criminal operations, etc. Generally, if your kid has issues at school and with police, wears explicit shades of images constantly, has a ton of cash from hazy sources, and conceals their exercises from you, the individual may be a piece of a group.


“Adolescents and Gangs.” HealthyChildren. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.

“Negative Effects of Joining a Gang Last Long after Gang Membership Ends.” Washington University. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.

“Youngster Gang Involvement.” Teen Help. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.

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