What is discipline awareness, and why is this important to understand? The short answer is that familiarizing yourself with how research functions within your academic discipline will help you to participate in the conversation and better understand the discourse community you have selected as you enter the field.
Learning to write within your academic discipline and eventual profession will help you to understand standards of evidence, research methodologies and specializations.
What is your academic discipline or profession of interest? What counts as evidence within your selected field, and what are some examples of scholarly journals that you can rely on to understand discourse conventions? Does your selected field have a social media presence, and how does the rhetoric differ in this platform, vs. a scholarly one?
Sample Solution
Self-discipline is obedience to Awareness. “Self-awareness is the ability to accurately distinguish your own emotions. In order to be successful, you must pay close attention to emotions in order to manage behavior in various contexts.It’s not enough to be aware; mental toughness means you are both willing and able to tolerate the discomfort of negative feelings.“He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.” ~ Lao TzuYou don’t need to spend time discovering the deep dark secrets of your inner world but rather develop an honest understanding of what makes you tick. Often people work with a coach in order to help them become more self-aware. It’s hard to see yourself without an outside observer.
k Place d’Armes, translated as “weapons square”. This park served as the spot for public executions of criminals and rebellious slaves, and the heads of the hanged criminals were often placed on the city’s gates. In 1803, this park saw Louisiana made United States territory in accordance with the Louisiana Purchase. 12 years later, Place d’Armes was renamed Jackson Square, following the vital victory under Brevet Major General Andrew Jackson, in which American forces held off the city from a British attack and only suffered 70 casualties, compared to the British forces’ 2,000. Today, street artists, palm readers, and voodoo witches surround the square’s fence line, creating a lively atmosphere and unique entertainment.
30 miles southeast of the Big Easy sits Hopedale, built in between the winding channels of brackish water that serves as transportation systems for the guides and crabbers that inhabit this small town. I remember travelling to Hopedale for the first time in 6th grade and seeing the eye-opening conditions these blue-collar Louisiana natives live under. Hundreds of people lined the roads, fishing for redfish and speckled trout in the runoff trenches, not knowing that saltwater fish had no way of getting into these drainage systems, nonetheless living in them. Our group packed 12 people into two doublewide trailers, which proved to be a pain at 4:45 in the morning, with people scrambling around to find PFG shirts and Costa sunglasses before the Cajun guides left the docks. With lines in the water before daylight and fish striking lures faster than you could reel them in, we’d be worn out and ready to make the thirty-mile trek back to the docks around 3:00 in the afternoon.
Nicknamed “Sportsman’s Paradise”, the Mississippi River Delta earned its name due to the plethora of fresh and saltwater fish, oysters, shrimp, crabs, and millions of migrating waterfowl. The Mississippi River has deposited rich sediment in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico for thousands of years, allowing for the growth of plants, marshes, and barrier islands. This region stretches all the way across the southern coast of Louisiana, from the Vermilion Bay in southwest Louisiana to the Chandeleur Islands off the coast of Biloxi, Mississippi. The Delta is the largest drainage basin in the country, draining about 41% of the continental United States into the Gulf of Mexico.
The second day of the trip, my dad and I drew a guide with a reputation of being a hot head, but by God, he could put you on some fish. A rat-nested spinning reel resulted in 15 minutes of timeout on the back of the boat, unfortunately close to his “sh*t bucket”, but he put me on the biggest red drum of my life, 35 inches. Usually, there’s no need to worry about overcrowded fishing spots, but as soon as we anchored and started reeling in reds, other guide