Disciplines should the nurse interview or include in their research




What disciplines should the nurse interview or include in their research and planning sessions and why?
What terminologies should the nurse recommend and why?
What are the benefits of using standardized terminologies within the electronic health record?
What obstacles might the nurse informaticist encounter during the recommendation and/or implementation of these standardized terminologies?

Sample Solution

Nurse Informaticist’s Role in Standardized Terminologies: Collaboration and Benefits

Disciplines for Collaboration:

A nurse informaticist should collaborate with a variety of disciplines when researching and planning the implementation of standardized terminologies in the electronic health record (EHR). Here’s why:

  • Physicians: Standardized terminologies should be consistent with physician documentation practices to ensure accurate and complete patient data.
  • Coders: Coders use standardized terminologies to assign accurate medical codes for billing and reimbursement. Collaboration ensures chosen terminologies align with coding requirements.
  • IT Department: The IT department manages the EHR system and needs to ensure the chosen terminologies can be integrated seamlessly.
  • Nurses from Different Specialties: Input from nurses across specialties (e.g., emergency room, pediatrics) ensures the terminologies encompass the specific needs of each department.
  • Terminologist/Information Scientist: These specialists can provide expertise in terminology selection, structure, and implementation best practices.

Benefits of Standardized Terminologies:

  • Improved Data Quality: Standardized terms ensure consistency and accuracy in documentation, leading to better data for quality improvement initiatives and research.
  • Enhanced Communication: Everyone using the same terminology reduces miscommunication and improves care coordination.
  • Accurate Coding: Standardized terms facilitate accurate coding for billing and reimbursement.
  • Reduced Errors: Less variation in documentation minimizes errors and improves patient safety.
  • Data Sharing and Analysis: Standardized terms enable easier data sharing across institutions and improve population health research.

Recommended Terminologies:

A nurse informaticist might recommend terminologies like:

  • SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms): A comprehensive terminology for clinical findings, procedures, medications, and substances.
  • LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes): Standardizes laboratory and other clinical observations.
  • ICDC (International Classification of Diseases): Classifies diseases and health conditions.
  • CCC (Coding Claims and Reimbursement): Standardized terminology for outpatient coding.

The specific recommendations will depend on the hospital’s needs and existing systems.

Obstacles to Implementation:

  • Cost: Implementing and maintaining standardized terminologies can involve upfront costs for training and system updates.
  • Workflow Disruption: Learning new terminologies can disrupt existing workflows and require staff training.
  • Resistance to Change: Some healthcare professionals may resist changing their documentation habits.
  • System Integration Challenges: Integrating new terminologies with existing EHR systems can be complex.

Nurse Informaticist’s Role:

The nurse informaticist can play a key role in overcoming these obstacles by:

  • Demonstrating the benefits: Providing clear data on how standardized terminologies can improve patient care, efficiency, and cost savings.
  • Involving Stakeholders: Actively involving all disciplines in the selection and implementation process to address concerns.
  • User-Friendly Training: Developing user-friendly training materials and providing ongoing support for staff.
  • Phased Implementation: Implementing the terminologies in a phased approach to minimize disruption.

By effectively collaborating and addressing these challenges, nurse informaticists can ensure the successful implementation of standardized terminologies, leading to a more efficient and high-quality healthcare system.


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