Discussion Pulmonary

Michelle continues to work in the bakery and her asthma has been well controlled on a low-dose inhaled corticosteroid inhaler, Singular 10mg daily, and Albuterol prn which she uses 1-2 times per week. Michelle presents to the clinic with an acute illness that developed 2 days ago and has a respiratory rate of 24, mild SOB with exertion, O2 saturation of 94%, and complaint of inspiratory and expiratory wheezing. She is able to speak and states her temperature over the last 2 days has been 101 to 102 F. Cough is productive of white sputum. Influenza A is going around the bakery. Exam findings show a woman who appears her stated age and is alert and oriented and though calm, is having mild work of breathing. AR 110 BPM, BP is 150/85, RR: 24, Temp 101.4. She has a nonproductive, dry cough, is mildly short of breath, fair chest expansion, + inspiratory/expiratory wheezes, no rales, no rhonchi. Auscultation reveals no thrills, gallops or extra heart sounds. Apical rate is elevated at 110. Physical exam is otherwise unremarkable. The MA has swabbed her for Influenza A- test is positive.

1. Determine appropriate treatment plan for Michelle. Discuss medications, doses, Durable Medical Equipment, and any testing, and apply these directly to her case. Provide your rationale with evidence.
2. Decide whether she is safe to return home, include any prescriptions, or if a referral to a higher level of care is required. Discuss the criteria used to make your decision, how a referral is made and defend your position.
3. Discuss relevant education and follow up plan.


Sample Solution

The binding to the viral receptor, CD4, causes conformational changes in the surface glycoprotein, gp120, making it exposing a hydrophobic domain in gp41, the transmembrane protein that membrane fusion (Weiss, 2002). These conformational changes facilitate the association with the co-receptors, which thusly permits the exposure of gp41 fusion domain (viral glycoprotein). Multiple gp41 and gp120 proteins are arranged in trimers at the membrane, allowing many interactions of the virus with the cell (Berger et al., 1999).

After the entry of the virus, the capsid frees viral RNA into the cytoplasm. This is by all accounts regulated by T-cell receptor-interacting molecule 5, a protein that may limit viral replication by repressing the amount of capsid, which can be freed into the cytoplasm (Arhel, 2010; Pertel et al., 2011). Two molecules of the viral genomic RNA and different proteins that are required for replication and integration are found in the viral capsid.

The viral polymerase executes the Reverse transcription. Reverse transcriptase, equipped for using two distinct templates. At first it uses the genomic viral RNA to synthesize a single stranded DNA, then reverse transcriptase uses it as a template to synthesize a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) (Fig. 1) (Zucker et al., 2001). The viral genomic RNA by the activity of RNase is degraded which is presented in the reverse transcriptase enzyme, subsequently permitting the sdDNA molecule to be used for dsDNA synthesis as a template (Zucker et al., 2001).

Afterwards of the reverse transcription, viral double-stranded DNA is associated in the preintegration complex. It is known that the preintegration complex is flexible and that its viral and cellular protein composition differs during its way toward the nucleus (Arhel, 2010). The transportation of the reintegration complex to the nuclear membrane is considered to be interceded through the TNPO3 nuclear pore (Zaitseva et al., 2009; Arhel, 2010;

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