Disease Control

The Standing Committee on Policy for the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is holding a hearing on the suggested criteria to be applied by local communities on allowing retail business (barber shops, hair salons, restaurants, bowling alleys, movie theatres, etc.) to safely reopen during the COVID-19 crisis or remain on lockdown. (GROUP 1) The Committee – will hear testimony from (GROUP 2) the Small BusinessAssociation, (GROUP 3) The Mayors of small towns, (GROUP 4) the PublicHealth/hospital/ Medical community and (GROUP 5) legal counsel concerning the requirements to be implemented, if lock down is lifted. In discussing the requirements, the groups should consider, among others, distancing, safety equipment, testing and healthcare institution’s capacity for patient care, or any other requirements the groups deem applicable. …
so to clarify i am in group three which is the Mayors of small towns .
my part in this is to talk about the (((Parks & Outdoor Gatherings)))
you have to use the CDC website as a source .
don’t forget 1 slide plus the speaker notes (no more than 2 minutes)
is it clear ?

Sample Solution

The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) defines conventional oil as “a category that includes crude oil – and natural gas and its condensates.”

Figure 1. A cartoon demonstration of oil and gas reservoir geology and trap environment. The bright orange-coloured layer is the source rock, the yellow dotted layers are reservoir rocks (typically sandstones and limestones with high porosity and permeability level), and the peach-coloured layers are caprock with low porosity and permeability so that oil and gas cannot escape. The cartoon shows two different trapping environments: fault on the bottom left and antiform at the top.


When the world thought that we had hit the peak of oil and gas production in the 2000s and that we had to focus on developing alternative renewable energies, newly developed technology to extract unconventional reservoirs made the production of shale gas in the US jumped from 1% in 2000 to over 20% by 2010. (https://www.chathamhouse.org/publications/papers/view/185311) This rapid growth, predicted to by the US government’s Energy Information Administration, is going to continue that 46% of the US’ natural gas supply will be provided by shale gas. There is no doubt that the unconventional oil and gas exploration will continue to grow globally with the growing technology.

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