Make sure to consider disability, weight, race, gender/trans LGBTQ, in “diversity”
2. Private Prisons, as a business. Moral or not? Should incarceration and rehabilitation be a profit-making business?
3. Politics in the Workplace: Should people be able to hang political messages/posters, in their workplace?
4. Hairstyles: Should businesses discriminate against an employee for a particular hairstyle? Is this discrimination or good business practices; appropriate job attire/grooming?
Every bilingual learner’s experience with coming to a new school and learning a new language will be different, but many things remain the same. The country they come from, the circumstances in which they’ve moved will play an important part in their transition. The school they go to will also prove to be a significant aspect of their adjustment and whether they feel isolated from their peers or not. The support provided in different schools varies; but is essential for the bilingual learner to attune themselves with their environment.
In a successful school, a bilingual child will achieve no matter their first language or level of English. Successful schools put in place enough resources and help for children who have come to this school from another country or with another language (Statham, 2008). They will ensure that the bilingual child will not be or feel isolated within the school setting. However, successful schools may be isolated themselves. Other schools may not be able to enhance provision for all children by tailoring for their needs. Workers may not have access to the same contacts and families may not have community language classes within reach. No institution seeks to voluntarily isolate learners, but some bilingual pupils might feel that their first language and cultural background are not being represented in their education.
There are advantages and disadvantages to being an isolated bilingual learner. One of the advantages is that the bilingual child will have his or her peers to model him or herself on. They will be able to pick up English faster, learning it from the other students in the classroom. It is important to understand that it could be outside of the classroom teacher’s capacities to cater for the only non-English speaking learner in the classroom. The other students are able to include the bilingual learner by helping them learn English, therefore enabling them to participate in the classroom. However, depending on the school environment, it could go either way.
Being the only bilingual learner in the classroom with a teacher tha