“do unto other as you would have them do unto you.”


Mill says that the spirit of utilitarianism is perfectly aligned with the Golden Rule—the notion the we should only “do unto other as you would have them do unto you.” Kant’s Categorical Imperative, the requirement that we act only in a way that we would wish everyone would act as a matter of principle, has also been compared with the Golden Rule. In a 4-5 page essay, assess and analyze the ways these two very different ethical theories can be considered iterations of the Golden Rule. After explaining the relationship of each theory to the Golden Rule, address the following questions: in spite of their similarities to this common root, what accounts for the vast differences between Kant and Mill’s ethics? What conceptions of human nature are operative in each? Finally, draw from your own experience to argue for which of these ethical theories is most usable and beneficial in a real-life context.

Denman Waldo Ross was a structure scholar who needed to show that there were standards and decides that craftsmen followed to make workmanship. In his eyes, workmanship was an outflow of feelings or emotions, however it was additionally not a matter of taste whether somebody would welcome certain craftsmanship or not, nor was it made without clarifications or an explanation (Ross, 1907, Preface). The fundamental standards or modes that workmanship follows are congruity, which is the most complete and significant, trailed by equalization and mood that lay right inside agreement. His comprehension of excellence is all the more being an encounter activated by these standards, which make a result of delight and satisfaction (Ross, 1907, p.2f). Making workmanship or configuration dependent on these standards is the thing that Ross called Pure Design. He characterized it as an “offer to the eye similarly as total music bids to the ear. The reason in Pure Design is to accomplish Order in lines and spots of paint, if conceivable, the flawlessness of Order, an incomparable occurrence of it, the Beautiful: this with no other, no further, no higher thought process; only for the fulfillment, the joy, its enjoyment. In the act of Pure Design we focus on Order and trust in Beauty” (Ross, 1907, p.5). In his hypothesis he characterized rules for his comprehension of agreement, parity and mood in structure.

To accomplish Harmony inside structures, there are different focuses to consider. The first being the request for agreement. To produce a symphonious state, bearings, edges and dissimilarity ought to be equivalent when making rehashing interims (Ross, 1907, p. 12). Another part of congruity is the utilization of tones. Focusing on comparative shading esteems, for example, tint, immersion or brilliance will shape a congruity inside comparable shading ranges (Ross, 1907, p.158).

The joining of request to adjust can be produced through “equivalent separations in inverse bearings” (Ross, 1907, p. 17).

To adjust tones, the key is having a similar measure of difference and separation in tints and immersions from the key tone of the piece to create an equivalent spotlight on the general result (Ross, 1907, p.172).

Through characterized hilter kilter and inconsistent separations of articles in structure or craftsmanship, a sentiment of development can be accomplished that makes the request for mood (Ross, 1907, p. 25).

Joining various subtleties of tints, immersions or brilliance forces makes a mood inside tones. Through that beat it is conceivable to manage the eye to specific bearings as it moves with the tone increasing more prominent complexity (Ross, 1907, p.182).

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