Documentation, collection, and preservation of DNA evidence


Choose one of the following topics relevant to evidence and procedures:

1. Documentation, collection, and preservation of DNA evidence

2. The pros and cons of relying on modus operandi and signature in a serial homicide investigation.

3. Discuss bitemark examinations, document examinations, and microscopic hair examinations and exactly why each is now considered “junk science”.

4. Discuss the impact of visual aids in the courtroom and how they assist in explaining forensic science to the jury. Provide examples drawing from specific forensic disciplines such as fingerprint analysis or ballistics.

5. Discuss the different methods of documenting and searching a crime scene. What are the pros and cons of relying on 3D imaging systems?


Sample Solution

Topic 4: The Impact of Visual Aids in the Courtroom

Visual aids have become an indispensable tool in modern courtrooms, particularly in cases involving forensic evidence. These aids help jurors understand complex scientific concepts and make informed decisions.

The Role of Visual Aids in Explaining Forensic Science

  • Simplifying Complex Concepts: Visual aids can break down complex technical information into easily understandable terms. For instance, diagrams and animations can illustrate the process of fingerprint comparison or the trajectory of a bullet.
  • Providing Context: Visual aids can help jurors understand the context of the case. For example, crime scene photos or reconstructions can give them a sense of the environment where the crime occurred.
  • Enhancing Memory: Visual information is often retained better than verbal information. By presenting evidence visually, attorneys can help jurors remember key details.

Examples from Forensic Disciplines

  • Fingerprint Analysis: Comparing fingerprints using side-by-side images or overlays can help jurors visualize similarities and differences.
  • Ballistics: Animations can demonstrate the trajectory of a bullet and the effects of various factors, such as distance and angle.
  • DNA Analysis: Charts and diagrams can illustrate the process of DNA profiling and the statistical probability of a match.

The Pros and Cons of 3D Imaging Systems


  • Enhanced Visualization: 3D imaging systems can create highly realistic and interactive representations of crime scenes.
  • Improved Understanding: These systems can help jurors better understand the spatial relationships between objects and people.
  • Reduced Reliance on Expert Testimony: 3D models can reduce the need for lengthy expert explanations.


  • Cost: 3D imaging systems can be expensive to acquire and use.
  • Complexity: Creating accurate and detailed 3D models requires specialized skills and software.
  • Potential for Misinterpretation: If not used properly, 3D models can be misleading or misinterpreted.

In conclusion, visual aids play a crucial role in presenting forensic evidence to juries. By simplifying complex concepts, providing context, and enhancing memory, these aids can help ensure that jurors have a clear understanding of the evidence and can make informed decisions. While 3D imaging systems offer significant benefits, their use should be carefully considered to avoid potential pitfalls.


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