Does their evidence seem compelling?

When citing only use name and page number like (Smith,16) no need for a reference page. do not use any outside sources.

– What explicit or implicit arguments and assumptions is each article (at least for this week, they are all journal articles) making, and which specific parts tell you this?

– To what extent do this week’s readings relate to each other? Do they share basic assumptions? Do any of them seem to contradict others? Do they cover entirely different and unrelated topics?

– What additional information can help you interpret these selections? (For example, when it was published, or the journal it was published in, or the author’s field of study.)

– What kinds of evidence do these authors use to support their arguments? (Be sure to look closely at their references.) Does their evidence seem compelling? What additional questions might you ask about the sources they use?

– In what ways do the readings for this week challenge common conceptions about the European conquest of the Americas?

– Which parts of this week’s readings do you find most difficult to understand, and why?


Sample Solution

The article, “Health Inequities: The Role of Race and Racism in Shaping Family Health” by H. Robinson (2019) makes an argument about the impact of racism on health disparities for minority populations. It states that racial discrimination can lead to long-term health issues due to lack of access to quality care and other resources, as well as increased exposure to environmental toxins. The author claims that this leads to higher rates of chronic illnesses like diabetes or hypertension among minority populations compared to their white counterparts. This is further supported by research showing how SES affects outcomes in terms of mortality rate and infant mortality ratio (Robinson 2019).

Another article, “Addressing Health Disparities Through Clinical Practice” by K. Espinosa et al., (2015), discusses the need for culturally sensitive approaches when dealing with minority patients in healthcare settings. It argues that clinicians should be aware of cultural differences between patients from different backgrounds when introducing new treatments or discussing preventative care options since they may have prior medical knowledge or beliefs which affect their decisions regarding healthcare services. Further, it discusses strategies such as using culturally appropriate language and offering additional educational materials related to specific cultures/ethnicities which could improve patient-provider communication (Espinosa et al., 2015).

The third article, “Culture Counts: A Cross-cultural Approach To Healthcare” by B. Ogden et al.(2016) also focuses on the importance of understanding cultural dynamics when providing healthcare services, specifically addressing how practitioners can create a welcoming environment for diverse patient groups while still maintaining professionalism and adhering to ethical guidelines set forth in HIPAA regulations. The authors suggest ways in which clinicians can incorporate a multicultural approach into clinical practice such as having interpreters available if needed and being aware of common cultural practices related to diet HIV testing or end-of-life care so as not alienate certain populations (Ogden et al., 2016).

Overall, all three articles make explicit arguments surrounding the role race plays in creating health disparities among various population groups while also making assumptions about how these disparities are created perpetuated through interactions within healthcare setting These papers provide information both pertaining phenomenon itself possible solutions tackling issue from multiple perspectives thus giving readers opportunity form own conclusions based presented evidence.

Section 1 – Project Objectives and by and large exploration approach

1.1 Reasons for Choosing the point and association


Enthusiastically for Finance and a craving for abundance creation through putting resources into productive endeavors, I have consistently attempted to evaluate and examine the exhibition stocks (organization’s) on the stock trade to see which may be productive. I therefor picked this subject since it would assist me with fostering the capacity to all the more likely examine organizations exhibitions, and furthermore to additional my vocation in finance. Throughout the span of my ACCA studies, I have been expected to assess the monetary exhibition (performing proportion examination) of associations, get ready and decipher budget reports (F5, F7, and F9), and to perform business examination. I therefor look to apply this information in a genuine circumstance subsequently this point appears to be great.


Humanity has for a very long time, relied upon the tremendous abundance of assets underneath the planet’s surface; from farming which was the significant action of early man to mining (the extraction of important minerals from the earth).


Mining has been a significant supporter the worldwide economy. A review distributed in 2013 observed that the worldwide gold industry’s commitment to the world’s economy was in excess of 150 nations around the world, as this area alone created more than $171 billions (Cecilia Jamasmie, 2015). As indicated by Mark Cutifani, CEO of AngloGold Ashanti (2012), “mining straightforwardly or by implication drives over 45% of the world’s total national output” (GDP) (Martin Creamer, 2012). This developing significance of the mining business to the worldwide economy was a critical driver to my choice of this area.


I additionally end up working in the ranger service area that likewise manages the extraction of normal assets, this nearness to nature additionally added to my decision of industry


I picked Fresnillo Plc on the grounds that it is perhaps of the biggest silver maker on the planet. The London-recorded organization works a few silver and mother lodes in Mexico. In spite of a drop in Mexican silver creation in 2014, the nation actually stayed the most elevated silver maker around the world, with Fresnillo at its front. The organization is versatile and has a designated creation result of in excess of 65 million ounces of silver by 2018 (Investing News Network, 2015).


1.2 Research points and goals


Dissect and assess the monetary exhibition of Fresnillo Plc for the 3 years finished 31st December 2017

Distinguish the elements that have affected the business and monetary execution of Fresnillo over these years These goals would be accomplished by giving solutions to the accompanying inquiries:

What has been the monetary presentation of Fresnillo Plc over the 3 years finishing 31st December 2017, in contrast with Tahoe Resources Inc.?

How has the qualities, shortcomings, potential open doors, and dangers to Fresnillo, impacted their exhibition (both monetary and nonfinancial) over the long term period?

How has Political, Economic, Social, and Technological elements impacted the presentation (monetary and nonfinancial) of Fresnillo?

1.3 Framework for RAP


The report examinations the monetary exhibition of Fresnillo Plc for the 3 years finishing 31st December 2017. This is worked with by the utilization of proportions, for example, productivity, liquidity, equipping, and financial backer proportions.

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