Dominant themes in Oedipus Rex and Othello.


Identify one or more of the dominant themes in Oedipus Rex and Othello. Construct an argument about how
the relationship between two of the play’s characters allows for development of the theme(s). Or Review Aristotle’s concept of tragedy. Explain the concept of
the tragic hero. Explain how the character of Oedipus Rex and Othello are tragic heroes.



Sample Solution

Dominant themes in Oedipus Rex and Othello

Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. Its effect on people, however, is often subtle at the start and hard to detect. Most proud people will never consider themselves to be truly proud until they come face to face with the consequences of their pride. Sophocles and Shakespeare both address this dilemma in their plays Oedipus and Othello. Through their nobility, their tragic flaws, the fall these flaws cause, and the suffering and wisdom they derive from these falls, Oedipus and Othello reveal the true character of the tragic hero and show the devastating consequences of pride.

This document provides an overview of the operational requirements in terms of fire safety. It details many perceived fire safety hazards across the venue through its various phases including build up; the event and de-rig which focuses on and is relevant to all visitors to the site including staff, contractors and the general public. Discussion: This document provides the venue, event manager and all other key stakeholders with a tool to analyse potential hazards to personnel from a fire safety point of view. It enables the level of perceived risk to be calculated alongside the likelihood of occurrence that can then be used to ascertain overall risk. This used effectively allows the event manager to formulate methods to reduce or remove the risk of injury from a potential hazard. Once a reduction method is in place the risk factor is recalculated providing an amended indicator. This action allows demonstration of ongoing work to mitigate risk to personal on site that is often focused upon by key stakeholders. This tool is highly useful in terms of providing a safe environment and complying with current relevant legislation. Live 8 Event Safety Plan Description: This document provides the information and documentation pertaining to the entire event, it includes detailed guidance and procedure for all elements of the event including the build and de-rig phases. The document explains in detail the fundamental elements required for the event to operate safely, successfully and in line with legislation. Discussion:

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