Chris, an 8-year-old male, is diagnosed with Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability (ID).
Stephanie, a 7-year-old female, is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Intellectual Disability (ID).
Taylor, an 8-year-old male, is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)a.
Consider the three students and their corresponding diagnoses, then answer the following prompts:
What information do these diagnoses provide you as an educator?
What information is not included with these diagnoses that need to be considered?
Describe what similarities and differences you would expect to see between these three students.
Think about how you might provide accommodations to these students. Describe how these accommodations may be similar or different. Explain why.
Information Gained from Diagnoses:
The diagnoses provide some valuable information about Chris, Stephanie, and Taylor:
Missing Information:
While the diagnoses are helpful, they don’t provide the whole picture:
Similarities and Differences:
Possible Accommodations (may apply to all or some):
Differentiation in Accommodations:
By understanding these individual needs, educators can provide targeted accommodations that maximize each student’s learning potential.