Eating Disorders


Eating disorders can plague both males and females, and they generally have different unattainable physical appearance-related goals. Males may feel the need to develop large muscles and are more vulnerable to taking drugs or embarking on exercise regimens that move them in that direction. For males who are obese or disinterested in athletics, there may be considerable social pressure and harassment to increase their muscle mass or overall strength. Females tend to gain weight and body fat during puberty. This tendency is in direct opposition to the “skinny” images they are exposed to through the media. As a consequence, girls are more likely to diet and exercise in ways that emphasize thinness and weight loss instead of fitness. These actions can result in eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa, the act of starving oneself, and bulimia nervosa, the act of binging and purging, are chronic conditions among many children and adolescents.

Explain two differences between normal variations of body image and a diagnosable eating disorder.
Explain three key elements that you would include in an intervention for the prevention of eating disorders.
Explain which of the three key elements would be developmentally appropriate for children and developmentally appropriate for adolescents, and explain why.
Explain which of the three key elements might apply best to males and which of the three key elements might apply best to females, and explain why. Be specific.
Justify your response using the week’s resources and the current literature.


Sample Solution

Eating Disorders

Body image distress is often seen as a symptom of an eating disorder. However, not every person with an eating disorder has a problematic body image and many people who do not have eating disorders have poor image. Body image is the subjective image people have of their own body, which is distinct from how their body actually appears. Eating disorders consist of severe disturbances in eating behavior, maladaptive and unhealthy efforts to control body weight, and abnormal attitudes about body weight and shape (Wilson, Becker, & Heffernan, 2003, p. 687). Dieting, in an attempt to improve body image, is also normal. What is not normal is when the dieting is rigid and unhealthy restricting overall caloric intake.

is family and friends attempt either to redirect him and his thinking into the right path or to take advantage of it. In addition, in the poem there is Gloucester, who is a friend to King Lear and is betrayed by his son Edmund in believing that his other son Edgar is coming up with a plan against him and trying to kill him. At the beginning of the poem with Gloucester is branded a traitor for helping King Lear, and he is blinded by Cornwall who is the husband of Regan and when his eyes are taken out, he realizes that his son Edmund betrayed him, “All dark and comfortless. Where is my son Edmund? Edmund, enkindled all the sparks of nature to quit this horrid act” (Lines-85-87). Then he finds out the truth that Edgar was the son that always was on his side,

“Oh, my follies! Then Edgar was corrupted and betrayed by Edmund. Kind Gods, forgive me that, and prosper him” (Lines-88-89).

In the poem Edgar is with his father wants to show him how valuable life/faith is and that he shouldn’t be gone from existence.

So he takes his father to the place he wants to go but, he doesn’t take him toward the cliff instead they are on top of a hill. Edgar tells his father to jump, Gloucester does jump and he thinks that he has fallen off of the cliff, in reality he just falls on his face. Edgar tells him different stories during his time with him to restore his faith in religion and his faith in living. Upon the hill with Edgar, Gloucester gets on his knees and says, “O you mighty Gods! This world I do renounce, and in your sights shake patiently my great affliction off” (Lines-35-36). Within the poem there is another article that I read which is called, “I Stumbled When I Saw”: Interpreting Gloucester’s Blindness in King Lear”. Which talks about, Gloucester’s blindness is the same as Lear’s madness, both of the characters representing the destruction of themselves and their human existence.

Both are major issues with the way the play works and its tragic clash with the characters themselves in the play as well. Shakespeare understands how human emotions work when they come out when Gloucester is blinded by Cornwall and the powerful meanings behind what is being done in the play. Another key element in the poem is, when Cordelia and Lear are imprisoned, locked up together. Before, Cordelia is about to be killed, Lear kills the guard who is trying to hang him and he kills the guard who strangles Cordelia to death. In an instance it is shown that Lear shows compassion and more faith and shows that he is a father more than a king in that instance when his daughter is killed right in front of his eyes. His daughter is the only thing that he cared about, even when they were jailed together, she was al

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