Eating Habits

You are interested in studying people’s eating habits throughout the day. To do this, you decide to use a questionnaire. Discuss, in a 1-page Microsoft Word document, how you will develop a rapport with participants, any considerations or potential risks you will consider, the environment and context in which the participant will complete the questionnaire, and how you will recruit or select participants. You need to write the questions (minimum of ten) you will use, making sure to pay close attention to the wording you use.

Sample Solution

he Philippines continues to struggle with the effects of academia on the country. Students and teachers will face challenges that add to the burden of what the country is going through today. The set-up of education and became vulnerable to rapid change that must be maintained. Online learning played a major role in the deterioration of the mental health of students. Before the pandemic, students go to school and do all their schoolworks. They have the opportunity to rest after class and go home without the burden of school activities. But due to the pandemic, students have to study at home and comply with everything that is required in school. This set up is detrimental to the mental health of the students. Students have to study at their own pace and time. Most of the time, too many lessons are needed to understand. Teachers should always be available to students and communicate with them whenever they can. At the end of the day, there is nothing to do but work together with each other and make things easier for everyone (Bundalian, 2021).

In the midst of the pandemic we are experiencing nowadays, even being a student is hard; the stress, the pressure and other responsibilities are accumulating all together resulting to stress or other mental illness. According to World Health Organization (2019) Adolescents which begins at the age of 10 and ends at the age of 19, is a transitional time from childhood to adulthood. This is where a person undergoes critical psychological and mental in his or her growth. There are approximately 1.2 billion teenagers globally, and between 10-20% of children and adolescents have some mental health issues. Depression, Anxiety, and Stress, concerning their academic performance. The study’s results showed that almost more than half of the respondents suffered from severe levels of mental illness (Tus, 2020).

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