Economic Growth and Alternative Metrics


Create a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides (title and reference slides are not including in this count) discussing Economic Growth and Market Dynamics. Include the following:

Explain what GDP is and how is it measured.
Evaluate the validity of using GDP as a measure of economic output.
Assess the validity of using GDP as a measure of social progress. Which elements (e.g., education levels, carbon dioxide emissions, gender/racial inequality) does GDP not consider?
Identify and describe two alternative (multidimensional) metrics that take into consideration more than the exchange value of economic output. Do those metrics capture social progress/well-being? Explain.
Explain if public officials focus exclusively—or even principally—on economic growth as a measure of economic policy success. Which other factors are also salient? Why?
Be sure to include graphs, charts and other visuals in your presentation that will enhance your analysis. Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include 50-75 words per slide.


Sample Solution


Franticness in The Glass Menagerie

A long term elderly person bows to the floor like a kid and is playing with a glass bottle on the table in the lounge room. Laura is experiencing her modesty thinking about the future for himself; segregated from the rest of the world, experiencing awful shame and energy for getting great experience. Laura’s absence of positive development with different families is a snare for Tennessee Williams and he can just power a similar sadness in the “glass zoo” to create despair as the conclusive outcome.

“The Glass Zoo” The image of the zoo at Tennessee Williams’ “Glass Zoo” clarifies three autonomous characters, their fantasies and the cruel reality they face in the cutting edge world. The glass zoo uncovered their edgy battle to get away from the lost dream and truth of the southern family. The utilization of Williams’ images adds profundity to the show. The glass zoo itself is an image of a messed up life where Williams was illustrative of Amanda, Laura, Tom Wingfield, Tennessee Glass Zoo. Williams intricately deciphers the man’s craving to escape from disagreeable feelings and state of being. Regardless of whether he shows a youngster caught in the industrial facility, he loathes older single parents, mourn for the lives of South Americans, or is worried that she consumes her time on earth alone Women and dread. His crowd Williams gave us how his character treats a wide range of upsetting practices.

By getting away from the “Glass Zoo” dream Tennessee Williams’ s “Glass Zoo”, the peruser can comprehend a genuinely useless family. From the outset, their life appears to be irregular, however Amanda’s inclination to secure her single parent family is by all accounts also known as the morning post (Presley 53). Winfield is an average family and endeavors to beat troubles. Yet, their concern emerges from the way that they can not successfully speak with one another. Rather than discussing the distinctions, they made edgy move. The lose faith in regards to Wingfields makes them extravagant in their brains, which thus will bamboozle. Zuman

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