Education & Teaching


Assessments are the products teachers use to determine two key components of the teaching and learning process: what students have learned and how effectively the teacher has instructed. Assessment strategies are an important element of effective teaching. Moreover, teaching students strategies to be successful in various assessments increases students’ confidence and in return provides better assessment results.


Create a 10-12 slide digital presentation to share with your students at the beginning of the school year. The presentation should provide students with an engaging overview of the kinds of assessments they can expect in the content area, as well as ways to be successful on each assessment.

Identify the grade level and content area you are focusing on, and include the following in your presentation:

An overview of formative and summative assessments in your content area
Description of how you embed engaging learning experiences into the classroom that provide multiple ways for students to demonstrate knowledge and skills
Explanation of how content area assessments are aligned with learning objectives
Explanation of how assessments are administered in an unbiased, fair manner and account for students’ individual differences
Description of the format of four content-specific assessments you will use during the school year (two formative and two summative)
Study skills, preparation, and execution students should use to succeed on the assessments
Discussion of how you design instruction to advance individual learning, address students’ strengths and needs, so all students in your classroom are successful
A title slide, reference slide, and detailed presenter’s notes

Sample Solution

owever, as a significantly interdisciplinary field, place branding accumulates contributions from different academic disciplines and practical areas (Dinnie,2009). A wide variety of place branding research and practical questions requires using the principles and instruments of urban studies, place marketing, place making, geography, public diplomacy, management, finances, tourism, media and communications, economics, ethnography, sociology, and even arts and literature. Place brand is considered as a network of associations connected with the place (a country, a region or a city). People construct place brands in their minds and make sense of places Kavaratzis and Kalandides, 2015). The process of place branding formation is seen as the interaction between associations connected with places in people’s minds, that are based on materiality, practices, institutions and representations (Kavaratzis and Kalandides, 2015).

The review of the relevant literature on place marketing and place branding proves a variety of models and approaches to place branding. Kavaratzis and Kalandides (2015), considering place brand as a network of associations, introduced a model of a place brand based on 4 key elements:

1) associations with materiality

2) associations with practices

3) associations with representations

4) associations with institutions.

By materiality we can understand historical objects and landmarks, production, industries, city environment and infrastructure. Practices – events, daily routines, activities at the place. Representations – a range of narratives, stories, toponims, logos and visual attributes of the place. Institutions – planning, authorities, investment, social norms and values, brand values. This model, though represents all of the aspects of place, is static and does not take into consideration time issues in place branding. However, it is mentioned, that “place associations are interactive and they constantly change as the place brand is experienced” (Kavaratzis and Kalandides, 2015, p. 1375). This constant change appears, apparently, with time. However, it is not evident, how long and continuous this time period can be. A relevant research question could deal with investigating the influence of time on the mentioned above aspects of place brands. Thus, this conceptual model needs to be to be converted into a dynamic domain.

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