Educational Technology Specialist blog to review.


Research online and locate one Educational Technology Specialist blog to review. Post a review (at least 200
words) of the blog in the discussion board that includes the following.
1. Blog URL that you reviewed.
2. Short description of the blog’s author and purpose of the blog.
3. What did you like about the instructional technologist blog? What is useful for teachers, students, employers,
parents, or other stakeholders?
4. What did you wonder more about? How could the information be presented in a better way?

Sample Solution

The instructional technology specialist blog I reviewed is ‘Instructional Technology Guy’, located at The blog is written by Jody Schneider, an experienced instructional technologist who has worked in the field for over 20 years. He aims to provide educators with guidance and advice on how to be more effective users of educational technologies, as well as share his insights on emerging trends in the industry.

I found this blog particularly useful and informative due to its variety of content. Schneider offers thought-provoking posts such as “What Does It Cost To Be An Online Learner?” which discusses the potential financial implications of online learning (Schneider, 2018). Moreover, he also provides hands-on tutorials such as “How To Use Flipgrid For Video Discussions” (Schneider, 2017). These resources are not only useful for students and teachers but also employers or parents that may need some extra support when it comes to understanding how best to use these tools effectively.

In conclusion, I highly recommend Instructional Technology Guy for anyone looking for comprehensive advice about educational technology and digital teaching strategies from a knowledgeable source.

worldview adjusted the degree to which psyches were ascribed to individuals from one gathering versus another, with the end goal that ingroup individuals were managed the cost of mental states while outgroup individuals were not. A negligible gathering worldview (MGP) is one technique for dividing members into erratic gatherings, and frequently includes misleading input to members following some modest errand (see Tajfel, Billig, Bundy, and Flament, 1971). Bunch based research utilizing a MGP has reliably observed that even simple gathering enrollment is sufficient to (a) fulfill our need to have a place with a gathering and hence (b) modify our view of ingroup individuals and outgroup individuals (e.g., Hackel et al., 2014; Tajfel et al., 1971; Van Bavel et al., 2012b). Hence, it is evident that a MGP is adequate for concentrating on the manners by which collective vibes modify our discernments and decisions of others.

Dividing members into bunches utilizing a MGP might uncover fascinating contrasts with regards to how we see the profound quality of ingroup versus outgroup individuals, even on an oblivious level. Such work could hold significant ramifications for how we communicate with individuals from different gatherings, and why bunch contrasts are a particularly impressive impact in our public activities.

The Current Exploration
While there is a developing collection of proof that embroils bunch participation in various social assessments (Brambilla et al., 2013a; Hackel et al., 2014; Hamilton et al., 2015; Otten and Moskowitz, 2000; Tajfel et al., 1971), restricted research has zeroed in on how view of another’s profound quality change as a component of whether they are an ingroup part or have a place with an outgroup. Otten and Moskowitz’s (2000) work uncovered promising impacts for ingroup versus outgroup enrollment STI development, but their review controlled bunch participation as a between-subjects component and they involved RT as a proportion of ingroup inclination and not acknowledgment rates. Besides, investigation into unconstrained characteristic derivations (STIs) still can’t seem to inspect whether they change when moral qualities are involved. Without a doubt, it is not yet clear whether (a) STIs are all the more promptly framed when the ways of behaving portrayed are inside the ethical domain and (b) whether individuals are bound to shape negative moral STIs for outgroup individuals and bound to frame positive moral STIs for ingroup individuals.

We mean to fill these holes in information. On account of the strength of gathering

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