Elaborate on the financial crimes committed by Scott Rothstein


discuss one of the most notorious financial criminals in contemporary and modern times committed by an individual. Students must investigate the nature of the crime and eventual outcome (tangible/intangible). The individual is Scott Rothstein

Sample Solution

Elaborate on the financial crimes committed by Scott Rothstein

Scott W. Rothstein (born June 10, 1962) is a disbarred lawyer and the former managing shareholder, chairman, and chief executive of the now-defunct Rothstein Rosenfeldt Adler law firm. He was accused of funding an extravagant lifestyle with a $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme, one of the largest in history. Rothstein’s Ponzi scheme was riddled with “highly confidential” legal settlements. In the most basic of terms, Rothstein offered investors the chance to “purchase” large legal settlements at low rates that would give them the right to payments with higher returns. However, that certainly was not the case. Supposedly settlement payments from the defendants were already received while the investors were expecting high returns on their investment. He is currently serving a 50-year prison sentence (in an undisclosed location) for running a $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme.

or not. The second source was inferred from a Swiss Linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1857 – 1913) through his published book “Course in general linguistics”, published in Paris, 1916, after his death.
Saussure concept of language was a system of reciprocally shaping entities. He differentiated diachronic from synchronic linguistics. Diachronic linguistics which is the study of language change (historical linguistics); while Synchronic linguistics studies the language used at any given point in time. Saussure also identified the distinction between contrastive linguistics which is when the focus is on the distinction among languages, most particularly in a language teaching setting. The primary purpose of relative linguistics is to know the common features of various language class.

From these two points of view, knowledge was born and semiotic analysis spread all over the world. Significant and crucial exercise was done in Prague and Russia early in the 20th century.
The area of linguistics was ressurected in the USA during the 60’s. Noam Chomsky (1928), who is a professor of innovative languages and linguistics at MIT vulgarized linguistics with his book “Syntactic structures” which was published in 1957. He schemed and justified a generative construction of language; in other words, the correlation between language and the human mind, particularly the philosophical and psychological deduction.
Marshall McLuhan, presents the notion of the “medium is the message” in his book “Understanding Media” (1964).
Roland Barthes (1915), a Professor at the College de France in Paris published “Elements in Semiology” in 1964. In 1977, Stephen Heath, a lecturer at Cambridge translated and merged a series of Roland Barthes essays into a book called “Image, Music, Text” which is now an essence text for students in the field of Semiotics.
Umberto Eco (1932), a Professor of Semiotics, indicated that semiotics involve the study of communication through signs and symbols, at the University of Bologna. A well-known philosopher, historian and a literary critic. He published ‘Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language’, in 1984. The subjects of his scholarly examinations includes; St. Thomas Aquinas, Jams Joyce and the Superman.

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