Elements that factors into every aspect of management, from founding statements



Ethics is one of those elements that factors into every aspect of management, from founding statements—for example, vision, mission and values—to culture, leadership and management. In fact, Sun City Board’s CEO Tom Wilson has decided that it is critical for the company’s brand and risk management as they build their business online and internationally. Tom has asked you to draft a code of ethics for discussion.

For Discussion
As preparation for this discussion, conduct additional research on how to write a code of ethics. You can use any credible source for structure and components. One possibility is Deloitte’s Suggested Guidelines for Writing a Code of Ethics/Conduct.
Reflect on what you learned in this module and your supplemental research and propose a Code of Ethics for Sun City Boards.

Sample Solution

Code of Ethics for Sun City Boards


Sun City Boards is committed to conducting its business in an ethical and responsible manner. This Code of Ethics sets forth the core values and principles that guide our behavior in all aspects of our operations. We expect all employees, directors, and other representatives of Sun City Boards to adhere to this Code of Ethics.

Core Values

Sun City Boards is founded on the following core values:

  • Honesty and integrity: We are honest and truthful in our dealings with all stakeholders. We act with integrity and uphold the highest ethical standards.
  • Respect: We treat all stakeholders with respect, regardless of their position, background, or beliefs. We value diversity and inclusion, and we create a workplace where everyone feels safe and welcome.
  • Responsibility: We take responsibility for our actions and decisions. We are committed to sustainability and social responsibility.
  • Excellence: We strive for excellence in everything we do. We are committed to providing our customers with high-quality products and services.

Principles of Conduct

The following principles of conduct are based on our core values and provide guidance for our employees and other representatives in their daily work:

  • Compliance with laws and regulations: We comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdictions where we operate.
  • Fair dealing: We treat all stakeholders in a fair and equitable manner. We avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any potential conflicts to our manager.
  • Confidentiality: We maintain the confidentiality of all confidential information, including customer information, trade secrets, and proprietary information.
  • Use of company assets: We use company assets responsibly and for legitimate business purposes. We avoid personal use of company assets and opportunities.
  • Reporting unethical conduct: We report any unethical conduct that we observe to our manager or other appropriate person.

Specific Provisions

In addition to the general principles of conduct set forth above, this Code of Ethics also includes specific provisions on the following topics:

  • Gifts and gratuities: We do not accept or offer gifts or gratuities that could influence our business decisions or create a conflict of interest.
  • Political activity: We do not engage in political activity on behalf of Sun City Boards or use company resources for political purposes.
  • Insider trading: We do not trade on insider information or tip others to do so.
  • Anti-corruption: We comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations.
  • Environmental protection: We are committed to protecting the environment and reducing our environmental impact.
  • Human rights: We respect human rights and labor standards in all aspects of our operations.

Compliance and Enforcement

All employees, directors, and other representatives of Sun City Boards are responsible for complying with this Code of Ethics. Any violations of this Code of Ethics may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Reporting Violations

If you believe that someone has violated this Code of Ethics, you should report the violation to your manager or other appropriate person. You may also report violations anonymously through our whistleblower hotline.


Sun City Boards is committed to creating and maintaining a workplace where everyone feels safe and respected. We expect all employees, directors, and other representatives to adhere to this Code of Ethics and to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with our core values.

Additional Provisions for an Online and International Business

In addition to the general principles of conduct and specific provisions set forth above, Sun City Boards also includes the following provisions in its Code of Ethics to account for its online and international business:

  • Online privacy and security: We respect the privacy of our customers and online visitors. We take steps to protect their personal information and to prevent unauthorized access to our systems and networks.
  • International trade compliance: We comply with all applicable international trade laws and regulations.
  • Cultural sensitivity: We are respectful of the cultural differences of our customers and employees around the world. We avoid making discriminatory or offensive statements or engaging in discriminatory or offensive behavior.

Sun City Boards believes that this Code of Ethics will help us to achieve our business goals and maintain our reputation as a trusted and ethical company.


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