Elopement in a Skilled Nursing Facility

write your evidence-based change project status report, which gives you an opportunity to share your progress. The report should provide evidence of your critical thinking and ability to apply research and project management principles in the clinical setting.
The requirements of this assignment include:
Identify obstacles and steps taken to manage and stabilize successful implementation of your change project thus far.
Discuss the project implementation to date, the resources used, and continued support needed.
Identify expected project outcomes and any timeline adjustments needed.
Discuss a summary of the project, the main points, and the findings, the significance of the project to the nursing profession, and any recommendations for future research.

Sample Solution

zero) would mean that cancer has not spread to any lymph nodes. N1mi describes cancers that have spread to lymph nodes but the spread can only be detected under a microscope (micrometastases). N1 is used to describe tumors that have spread to at least one lymph node near the tumor. N2 refers to cancers that have spread farther away from the tumor.” “M stands for metastasis. M0 means that no metastases are present. M1 means that breast cancer has spread to other regions of the body such as the bones, brain, liver, or lung.”
The stages are known as: Stage zero through Stage IV.Stage zero has two types of Cancer
“Noninvasive Paget’s disease” which is a rare case that forms cancer in the nipple.
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is another breast cancer stage zero which “means the cells that line the milk ducts of the breast have become cancer, but they have not spread into surrounding breast tissue” DCIS is often treated as “non-invasive or pre-invasive breast cancer.”Non-invasive means that the cancer will not spread. Pre-invasive not yet involved with other cells. Most cases don’t require the breast to be removed but rather have a lumpectomy. A lumpectomy not only removes the cancer itself but it also takes the healthy tissue around it. The lumpectomy is usually followed by radiation. Stage I the cancer is noticeable, but has been contained only in one area, which is where the tumor is forming. Stage I breast cancer is divided into 2 stages 1) being Stage 1A 2) being Stage 1B.“Stage 1A describes invasive breast cancer in which: the tumor measures up to 2 centimeters (cm) and the cancer has not spread outside the breast; no lymph nodes are involved.” “Stage 1B describes invasive breast cancer in which there is no tumor in the breast; instead, small groups of cancer cells — larger than 0.2 millimeter (mm) but not larger than 2 mm — are found in the lymph nodes or there is a tumor in the breast that is no larger than 2 cm, and there are small groups

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