Employee Contributions Presentation



There is an increased focus in today’s global economy and business climate on understanding employee personality, moods, emotions, attitudes, behaviors, and their impact on organizations. Additionally, initiatives regarding talent acquisition have been encouraged to promote diversity in their hiring practices that would support a workforce and organizational culture that brings in rich experiences and backgrounds.

This phenomenon has focused on studying the impact of human behavior on organizations and how organizational practices, culture, and behaviors may impact the individual. Knowing the influence of an individual’s culture, personality, and behavior on organizational performance has led to the need to design more effective organizational processes and practices that impact employees to improve organizational performance.

As an HR professional, you have been asked to present at an upcoming event sponsored by your organization. The event’s focus is “The Employee Contributions: How the employee’s attitudes, personality, and behaviors impact organizational success.” Remember, you are not only an HR professional, but you are also representing your company. You can use any company to serve as a backdrop to address the following requirements for the presentation.

Create a presentation with speaker’s notes that:

Provides a title slide (1 Slide)
Provides an agenda (1 Slide)
Provides an introduction (1 Slide)
Examines personality characteristics and personal values for organizational fit (2-3 Slides)
How do these characteristics and values align with an organization?
Analyzes the influences of emotions and behaviors on work-related performance (1-2 Slides)
How will a person’s moods and emotions influence their behaviors in the workplace?
Summarizes the impact of attitudes and behaviors on employee job satisfaction (2-3 Slides)
Describe both the challenges and benefits to the organization.
Provides a conclusion (1 Slide)

Sample Solution




Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Title: The Employee Contributions: How Attitudes, Personality, and Behaviors Impact Organizational Success
  • Subtitle: Presented by [Your Name], HR Professional at [Company Name]
  • Logo: [Insert your company logo]


Speaker Notes Good morning/afternoon everyone. Today, I’m honored to be presenting on behalf of [Company Name] about how employee contributions significantly impact our organizational success. We’ll delve into personality characteristics, values, emotions, and behaviors, exploring how they influence individual and overall performance, job satisfaction, and ultimately, the company’s achievements.

Slide 2: Agenda**

  • Agenda
  • Introduction: The Evolving Landscape of Work
  • Understanding Employee Fit: Personality & Values
  • The Role of Emotions and Behaviors in Performance
  • Employee Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: Challenges & Benefits
  • Conclusion: Building a Thriving Workforce
  • Q&A

Speaker Notes This presentation will follow this agenda.

We’ll begin by exploring the changing dynamics of today’s workforce, then transition into understanding how employee personality and values contribute to a successful fit within the organization. We’ll examine the role of emotions and behavior in work performance, analyze how employee attitudes impact job satisfaction, and conclude by discussing strategies for building a thriving workforce. I look forward to your questions at the end.

Slide 3: Introduction**

  • The Evolving Landscape of Work
  • The global business environment prioritizes understanding employee psychology.
  • Importance of diversity and inclusion for a rich talent pool.
  • Studying human behavior to design effective work practices.

Speaker Notes The global business landscape is rapidly evolving, and with it, our understanding of the workforce. Today, organizations place a high value on comprehending employee personality, emotions, behaviors, and their impact on the company’s success. Recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion, businesses actively promote hiring practices that create a workforce rich in experiences and backgrounds. By studying human behavior in the workplace, organizations can design more effective work practices that not only improve employee performance but also cultivate a thriving work environment.

Slide 4: Understanding Employee Fit: Personality**

  • Matching Personalities to Roles
  • Different personalities excel in various work environments.
  • Extroverts: Thrive in social settings and team collaboration.
  • Introverts: Prefer quieter environments and focus well on tasks.
  • Agreeableness: Important for teamwork and building rapport.
  • Conscientiousness: Crucial for detail-oriented tasks and meeting deadlines.

Speaker Notes Finding the right fit between an employee’s personality and the demands of the role is crucial for success. Extroverted personalities often flourish in collaborative environments and excel at building relationships with colleagues. Introverts, on the other hand, may thrive in quieter work settings that allow for deep focus on tasks. Agreeableness is a valuable trait for fostering teamwork and building rapport with colleagues, while conscientiousness is essential for detail-oriented tasks and ensuring deadlines are met.

Slide 5: Understanding Employee Fit: Values**

  • Aligning Values with Organizational Culture
  • Shared values create a strong sense of purpose and belonging.
  • An employee who prioritizes innovation may struggle in a risk-averse culture.
  • A company that values work-life balance might attract employees seeking flexibility.
  • Aligning values reduces employee turnover and fosters a positive work environment.


Speaker Notes An employee’s values significantly impact their fit within an organization. When an employee’s values align with the company’s culture, it creates a strong sense of purpose, belonging, and motivation. For example, an employee who prioritizes innovation might find it challenging to thrive in a risk-averse work environment. Conversely, a company that values work-life balance will likely attract employees seeking flexibility in their schedules. By ensuring alignment between employee and company values, organizations can reduce employee turnover and cultivate a more positive and productive work environment.

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