Employee self evaluation

Background of the employeeShe has a B.S D Degree. First 3 years she assisted the budget coordinator and help with employee files. This last year she’s been training with the payroll clerk(. She’s also the back up for the front desk. She’s when working as a staff 2 going on 4 years. She feels like she doesn’t hold vaule to department. She would like to train more so that she can move up in the department. She would like to take classes to help her move up in the department

3. What are some examples of how you portray the County’s core values: Humbleness, Integrity, Commitment, Accountability, Respect and Discipline? Edit

4 What suggestions do you have to improve your department, branch or division (such as workflow, assisting citizens, preventing accidents, cost savings, employee morale, etc.)

5 What training and development have you had this year (coursework, shadowing other staff members, projects, visits, staff meetings, etc.) and how have you been able to apply it to your job? Edit

6 What training and development would help you to be more successful in your job? Edit

7 When considering your overall duties and responsibilities, can you describe any changes to your daily tasks you feel would help you to achieve greater results within your position? Keep working on the roster and

8 Are there any changes to your personal outlook, performance or work habits you feel would help you to achieve greater results within your position? Edit

9 Are there any other points you would like to discuss at your review meeting?

Sample Solution

hroughout this section until the piece closes with unison hits on the bass drum and timpani underneath a blaring D major chord. The final movement of the symphony is a march played in a quick tempo. The march was an acceptable form of social realism. One theme found in this movement has a militaristic feeling, and an opposing theme seems to be expressing thoughtful resignation. Shostakovich uses ascending chromaticism and an ostinato section in the violins to suggest the success of the system, and the more serious middle section signifies the hard work of the individual.  On the surface, these ideas promote the Party agenda. Shostakovich claimed that this movement was satirizing the need for positive, uplifting music by the Party.  The movement ends in a major key on an A that is played over and over by the violins.  Sheinberg asks, “Is this a satirical sneer at the demand for optimism, or is it a genuine even if banal and overstated, expression of happiness?”   In this manner, he is expressing his opinion in a subtle musical manner. Shostakovich alludes to the song Vozrozhdenije (Op. 46 No.1) in the final movement that was based on a poem by Alexander Pushkin dealing with renewal or rebirth. This is Shostakovich’s new start or his rehabilitation as a composer Soviet style.  The Fifth Symphony is open to many interpretations pro-Stalin or musical satire. The Fifth Symphony was to be an example of his political transformation on display to the party conforming to the style of heroic classicism or social realism.

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