Employees respected you or feared you

As a leader, would you rather that your employees respected you or feared you? In your opinion, can a leader inspire both reactions from his/her employees?

Sample Solution

As a leader, which would you rather be? This question, when applied to a corporate management scenario, ushers in two underlying assumptions. The first is that to be feared means you are someone employees dislike because you are strict. The other is that to be loved means you are someone who people are comfortable with. Of course, most people want to be liked, so the answer may seem like a no-brainer. As a leader, I would aim to embody a blend of characteristics that touch on both fear and love. That way I would be able to apply the necessary qualities in various situations, where and when they are needed most.

Transient memory is the memory for a boost that goes on for a brief time (Carlson, 2001). In reasonable terms visual transient memory is frequently utilized for a relative reason when one can’t thoroughly search in two spots immediately however wish to look at least two prospects. Tuholski and partners allude to momentary memory similar to the attendant handling and stockpiling of data (Tuholski, Engle, and Baylis, 2001).

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