Take a look at the videos in the you tube link below (paste into your browser)
There are several company videos included here. Some great, some good some not so good. Select three employment/branding videos and tell me what makes them good, bad or whatever it is you want to tell me about them. Do they entice you to work for the company? How so? Do you think having an employment brand or a video as a part of your recruitment plan important, tell me why?
1.5.1 Determining Rh Phenotypes by Serological Reaction
American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) affirmed that it is conceivable to decide the Rh phenotypes (14), by decide the nearness or nonappearance of the five significant Rh antigens (D, C, E, c, and e). Along these lines, the collection of antigens distinguished on an individual’s red cells comprises the individual’s Rh phenotype, (Table 1.4).
Table 1.4 Determination of the Rh Phenotypes From the Results of Tests with the Five Principal Rh Blood Typing Reagents (5, 14).
(+) Positive response. (0) Negative response
1.7 Biochemistry of Rh Proteins
Rh antigens are situated on two Rh proteins (RhD and RhCE) communicated on RBCs film, both are transmembrane, profoundly hydrophobic and nonglycosylated proteins. Every protein made out of 417 amino acids, that length film multiple times, made up 6 extracellular circles (answerable for the safe reaction), and 7 intracellular circles, The N-terminal and C-terminal bits are intracellular (15).
The RhD protein communicates the D antigen, while the RhCE protein conveys either C or c antigens on its second extracellular circle, together with E or e antigens on the fourth extracellular circle on a similar protein. The C and c antigens just contrast in one amino corrosive at position 103; the equivalent applies to E and e antigens that vary in the amino corrosive situated at position 226 in the RhCE protein (16) (Fig. 1.3).
Figure 1.3 Schematic portrayal of RHD, and RHCE qualities and their RhD, RhCE proteins. Has been produced by (5).
1.8 Variations of D Antigen Expression
The vast majority of the all Rh (D)- positive RBCs show solid positive plainly visible agglutination after centrifugation with against D reagents, and promptly delegated Rh (D) positive, while negative outcomes required further examination to affirm their D-antigen status, consequently backhanded antiglobulin test (IAT) performed for all the fundamental negative outcomes. Negative outcomes for IAT straightforwardly revealed as Rh (D) negative red platelets. While, positive IAT results for D-antigen, are delegated D-positive, yet it ought to be portrayed as “frail D’, since Rh (D) antigen of those people was adjusted because of a change in their RHD quality, and a portion of these people may create against D on the off chance that they introduction to constructive D red platelets.