

What is the value that Eneco plans to deliver to the energy consumer with the Toon platform? Analyze it using the Digital Value Drivers model, that is, assess what type of value is delivered along Cost, Experience and Platform.

– What is Customer Lifetime Value for Eneco in this future platform vs in their current model? Create a simple model with a 3-year calculation of said value. This implies using a simple formula in which you use a Net yearly Profit per customer to account for margin including Acquisition costs (as we do not have information about those), Retention rate and Interest rate to calculate the yearly expected profit per customer so you can at the end add up the three years into a CLTV. You need to do this for both the traditional model and the platform model using the information in the case. Which model is more profitable?

– What is your assessment of the future of this platform domestically and abroad given the steady entry of powerful competitors in the same markets? Is this platform defensible? And how scalable is it?

By ELISA, we distinguished antibodies that responded with the comparing hapten, yet of low power, in all gatherings of mice, aside from the negative benchmark group (Figure 2, 3, 4 and 5).

Figure 2. Counter acting agent reactions in Balb/C mice inoculated against 2-(2-Aminoethyl) benzimidazole (AEB). first draining was done after two immunizations and the second draining was done after four vaccinations. The outcomes are introduced as the mean optical thickness (O.D.) by ELISA with standard deviation bars of n = 4 mice/gathering

Figure 3. Counter acting agent reactions in Balb/C mice vaccinated against 2-Mercaptobenzimidazole (2MB). first draining was done after two vaccinations and the second draining was done after four immunizations. The outcomes are introduced as the mean optical thickness (O.D.) by ELISA with standard deviation bars of n = 4 mice/gathering

Figure 4. Counter acting agent reaction in Balb/C mice inoculated against 2-Benzimidazole propionic corrosive (BPA). first draining was done after two immunizations and the second draining was done after four vaccinations. The outcomes are introduced as the mean optical thickness (O.D.) by ELISA with standard deviation bars of n = 4 mice/gathering

Figure 5. Immunizer reactions in Balb/C mice vaccinated against a blend of AEB+2MB+BPA haptens. first draining was done after two immunizations and the second draining was done after four vaccinations. The outcomes are introduced as the mean optical thickness (O.D.) by ELISA with standard deviation bars of n = 4 mice/gathering


c) Animals and vaccinations

Vaccinations were done utilizing female Balb/C mice (4 creatures/gathering) and Wistar rodents (2 creatures/gathering) of 6-8 weks old enough. The creatures were raised in clean standard condition, with nourishment and water supply not indispensable. The test convention with creatures was acted as per pertinent institutional and national rules and guidelines, and was affirmed by the Ethics Committee of The National Research Institute ‘Cantacuzino’ (Application CE/36/04.02.2015).

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