
Discuss the many details of entrepreneurship, but what does it take to be an entrepreneur?

Identify and discuss new ventures that fit each of the four cells in the entrepreneurial strategy mix

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easons for Internationalization of Domestic Hotel Chains in Thailand

This academic journal focuses on the main point of the reason why it is important to internationalization in accordance with the current globalization (Young, 1990). Internationalization can be clarified as a continual process that gives huge changes in terms of state and implies dynamic change, as (Buckley & Ghauri, 1993) also shared the whole notion of a developmental process. In fact, they declare that main reason to internationalization is because of the growth of the firm. In contrast, other researchers said that other things, as well as client following (Erramilli & Rao, 1990), strategic-asset seeking (Dunning, 1980), merger acquisition (Gilbert & Zok, 1992), or risk avoidance (Robock & Simmonds, 1989), contribute to shaping the internationalization of firms.

Because of the revolution of global environment these days, internationalization considered as a thing that couldn’t be avoided if the targets of the company are meant to be achieved. However, (Beamish, 1990) stated that internationalization is a way that constructs their awareness of international transactions either by directly or indirectly effect on their future and collaborate with different countries. This explanation about internationalization declares that as the unidirectional process of increasing investment, involvement, and commitment which exsiccate international contribution of a firm. In conclusion, internationalization intends to adapt their entanglement and responsibility to international competition and markets.

Thailand’s government realized their tourism and hotel industry provides the largest source of income in Thailand which delivered to encourage Thai enterprises to go international since the beginning of the 1990s through various institutional and measures support facilities. In addition, their government made a 39 bilateral investment agreement and 56 double taxation deal with various regional arrangements and economies collaboration and bilateral FTA treaty. Therefore, with all the things that have been done by the government, Thailand’s enterprises, especially in hospitality and tourism industry, be expected to expand more across the countries.

International Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty: Bangkok, Thailand

Tourism trends consider Asia and the Pacific region as the second of the most visited area in the world according to World Tourist Organization in 2007 and in term of tourism s

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