


Gathering from what you learnt in the last class, Define Small Business50-100 words Entrepreneurship

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An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures. Entrepreneurship is one of the resources economists categorize as integral to production, the other three being land/natural resources, labor, and capital. An entrepreneur combines the first three of these to manufacture goods or provide services. They typically create a business plan, hire labor, acquire resources and financing, and provide leadership and management for the business. Unlike traditional professions, where there is often a defined path to follow, the road to entrepreneurship is mystifying to most. There are several general steps that most, if not all, successful entrepreneurs have followed: ensure financial stability; build a diverse skill set; consume content across multiple channels; identify a problem to solve; solve that problem; network like crazy; and lead by example.

rizzly bears are majestic symbols of the wild. Grizzlies are massive animals with humped shoulders and an elevated forehead that contributes to a somewhat concave profile. Grizzlies once lived in much of western North America and even roamed the Great Plains. Grizzly bears require large amounts of secure habitat, but today’s reality, grizzly bears must routinely navigate roads, subdivisions, livestock operations and energy development. Many Grizzlies that are still roaming in the wild, where hunters pursue them as a big trophies. The greatest threat facing grizzly bear population today are deaths caused by humans.

Human-related deaths and habitat loss remain significant threats to long-term grizzly bear recovery. It is common knowledge that roads have a negative impact on grizzly bear survival. The remaining grizzly bear populations are unconnected, with major towns, roads and railways placed between them. Grizzly bear management is very much an interrelated part of natural resources management whether on a specific or collective basis. Governmental manipulation of natural resources, including the grizzly bear, or “management” actually represents a small proportion of environmental and natural resources administration in the United States. In this sense, management can often be considered a myth, as if it were done by some kind of giant hand of technology under the orchestrated direction of natural resource professionals.

The greatest threat facing grizzly bear population economically, today are deaths caused by humans, In an increasing development world, bears often cross through private lands in search of food and secure habitat. Attractants such as bee yards, garbage, fruit trees, chicken coops, livestock and bird feeders often lure bears close to homes and habituate them, or help them become used to human activity. Nearly 3 million of Yellowstone Park’s annual 4 million visits occur in June, July and August. More than 30,000 people a day visit in the peak summer season   and they all want to see bears. Bear jams keep rangers busy directing traffic and protecting tourists and bears. Seeing a black bear is great, but spotting a grizzly is an even greater, rarer thrill. Tourists who search for bears with binoculars and cameras won’t appreciate having them shot for sport. A grizzly hunting season would hurt the state’s reputation far outside its borders an

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