Students are supposed to read the Case 2- Able Planet from the textbook, page number:812
“How can a small company find capital to finance an innovative new product?”
Textbook: (Scarborough, N.M. & Cornwall, J. (2012). Effective small business management: An Entrepreneurial approach (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Based on your understanding of the case and concepts, answer the following question in 200-350 words each.
Assignment Questions:
1. Experts say that entrepreneurs who need between $100,000 and $3 million often face the greatest obstacles when raising capital for their businesses. Why? (1.5 marks)
2. How should Kevin Semcken raise the $1.5 million in capital that Able Planet needs? Be sure to consider sources of both debt and equity financing. (1.5 marks)
3. Write a short memo to Kevin Semcken explaining what he should do before he approaches potential lenders and investors to maximize his chances of getting the capital that Able Planet needs. (2 marks)
South Korean and Japanese Cuisines and Identity Essay
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There is an adage saying that for getting healthy, the kind of food you eat is everything. Obviously, it ought not be perceived artistic, as our food longings don’t predicate our organic nature. The line rather depicts the blend of qualities one is probably going to convey, which can be assessed by their food inclinations. Most nations have their particular cooking that was framing during numerous hundreds of years. Food isn’t just the wellspring of human nourishment measures, yet it is additionally one of the most splendid social models. In such a manner, one can foresee certain attributes or estimations of others dependent on their food decisions.
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East Asia is one of the world’s areas that has an unmistakable food. Individuals from this territory partner themselves with their ethnicity, which incorporates food inclinations. Japanese, Chinese, and other Asian cafés are spread around the world, and their kitchen can’t be mistaken for that of others. This paper surveys instances of South Korean and Japanese food that filled in as markers of public character previously. However, they are losing this deciding function because of political movements and the cycle of globalization.
Korean Identity
Present day Korean land is partitioned into equal parts, speaking to a different nation with an inverse financial structure. Nonetheless, the food culture stays comparable because of Korea’s long history as a solitary state, which encountered its interior social turn of events and unfamiliar impact. These days, most examination on this nation is finished with respect to South Korea since its northern neighbor isn’t available to the world.
Pilgrim Past
Before, Korea used to be one of the Japanese states. In spite of the fact that the two societies had comparable culinary items, huge numbers of them had contrasts in fixings and making. For example, soy sauce is an item that is right now saw as conventional in East Asia, yet relatively few individuals know that the cutting edge formula is Japanese. Korean family units used to blend their soy sauce, which was later supplanted by the Japanese version1. This happened on the grounds that Korean culture was not seen as predominant, and neighborhood residents endeavored to look at better without flinching of their rulers. Food as a piece of this culture additionally needed to relate with Japanese human progress’ exclusive expectations. This is a splendid case of partner food with personality, as Koreans wished to turn out to be nearer to the prevalent country by changing their food propensities. These days, another pattern adds to the nearby soy sauce wonders, as it is created mechanically rather than hand crafted. Koreans distinguish themselves as occupied individuals who have no an ideal opportunity to cook troublesome plans, which is the equivalent for the remainder of the cutting edge world.
Current Aspirations
As the nation got free and monetarily solid, Koreans got a need to advance their public pride. It is presently ordinary to be pleased with Korean culture and food specifically. In this way, the ongoing instance of the principal Korean space traveler made a point of reference for building up an uncommon formula of kimchi, a public food, that could be taken to space2. Writers contrasted this occasion and the convention when moms offered kimchi to their children who ventured out from home. This is a case of how current Koreans recognize themselves through their public food, saying that they are more than glad to be a piece of this culture, which must be taken to space to sign their personality.
Contemporary Japan
Dissimilar to Korea, Japan didn’t encounter a similar unfamiliar impact, aside from the occasions in the XX century, when it needed to absorb to turn into an equivalent accomplice on the planet’s economy and exchange. These days, Japanese culture is viewed as one of the most well known, yet still hard for an outsider’s arrangement. For example, the Japanese consider crude to be as the one prepared for utilization, which has a lot to do with their impression of nature and its resources3. The way of thinking of amicability with nature and oneself is one of the critical standards of Japanese culture, which is accomplished to keep past qualities.
Globalizing World
These days, limits between nations break up because of the financial cycles, making various societies mix. Japanese and Korean food are broadly spoken to in the West, allowing individuals from different societies a chance to appreciate it from adolescence. This pattern makes the truism about food being a piece of the personality to lose its positions. Despite the fact that I recognize that this was the situation before, current reality shows that Koreans can devour a ton of American food, and the other way around.
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While food stayed one of the public personality components previously, it was liable to changes for political or monetary reasons. These days, autonomous nations discover pride in their food as a conventional component. In any case, the cycle of globalization takes steps to avoid public food as a personality highlight.