Environmental Concerns & Chemical Solutions




Dave is 43 year old bachelor that lives in a house just outside of Boston. He drives a big pickup truck (that he
doesn’t need, he’s a computer network guy), buys disposable water bottles, loves his Keurig, leaves his lights
on when he leaves the house, always has the TV on. Buys lots of microwave meals, and tosses all of his
wrappers in the trash, of course he doesn’t recycle. So forth and so on. (Add as many of these “interesting”
qualities as you like.) So this dufus also doesn’t “believe the hype” of the “mainstream media” about all of the
environmental issues.
Somehow you are still friends with poor old loathsome Dave. It’s that time of the month again–where you send
him an email trying to convince him about some very real environmental concerns.
For 250 points, please draft an email to your friend Dave (uploaded to this assignment page in a WORD doc or
PDF) and tell him about 1 or 2 things that you learned in this course and try to convince him to change at least
one of his bad habits and explain how that might be beneficial to him AND the environment.



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