Environmental issues faced by business and society


Research and explain the importance of an environmental issue (fracking, hazardous waste disposal, oil pipeline leaks, deforestation, etc.) faced by business and society.
Additionally, describe at least two strategic approaches organizations are using to respond to the issue.
Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.
References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

Sample Solution

Environmental issues faced by business and society

Hazardous waste is a relatively new concern of environmental engineers. Industry has become an essential part of modern society, and waste production is an inevitable outcome of the developmental activities. A material becomes waste when it is discarded without expecting to be compensated for its inherent value. These wastes may pose a potential hazard to the human health or the environment (soil, air, water) when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed off or managed (Christensen et al., 1994). In order to safeguard our environment, it is important to regulate such hazardous waste in environmentally feasible and sound manner. The wastes released to air as emanations, naturally are regulated in site, as per legal requirements. For liquid effluent also, it is treated at site or through common ETPS and the legal requirements are fulfilled before release.



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image of nanotechnology

By Nicholas Klacsanzky

Among all the mechanical miracles of advancement, there is one that, in context, can reform reality. During the ongoing two centuries, there have been a few such revelations: power, radio waves, flight, atomic vitality, the Internet, and others. Be that as it may, today mankind remains on the edge of something totally new: nanotechnology.

To begin the clarification of nanotechnology appropriately, let us make sense of what is this “nano” some portion of the word. “Nano” is a prefix utilized in the decimal standard, which means one billionth piece of something; along these lines, nanometer, a standard estimation unit, is a 0,000000001 piece of a meter. To have the option to envision how little this worth is, let us allude to models. One inch is 25,400,000 nanometers. Indeed, even a progressively illustrative model: a sheet of normal office A4 paper is 100,000 nanometers thick (Nano.gov). Human hair is around 80,000 nanometers thick (Nanowerk.com). As a rule, “nano” in “nanotechnology” signifies “little, small.”

All in all, right now, precisely is nanotechnology? As per the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative, nanotechnology suggests the capacity to comprehend and control matter at measurements between roughly from 100 up to one nanometer; it likewise includes imaging, estimating, displaying, and controlling issue at the assessed length scale (Nanowerk.com). At the nanoscale, matter has novel properties; properties of materials act under nuclear and sub-atomic guidelines, and this is the reason nanotechnology is so best in class: specialists can deal with these extraordinary properties to make new devices and items in zones of science and designing (nnin.org). For instance, nanotechnology permits to develop materials and structures at a nuclear scale; this implies researchers can “manufacture” materials from particles and atoms.

Nanotechnology is still during the time spent improvement, however by and by, it would already be able to astound mankind with ponders that were incomprehensible quite a few years prior. For instance, there are unique carbon nanotubes that can transform into a fake muscle; there is a 3D printer that can print new malignant growth drugs; there as of now exist self-recuperating materials, for example, solid that fills in its splits to deliver structures that weave back together; infections were made that convert pressure into electrical vitality, etc. These and different developments are the start of another mechanical time (io9.com).

Nanotechnology is a moderately new part of science that can upset the truth we live in today. Nanotechnology works with issue at measurements between balanced hundred nanometers. This permits researchers to deal with the one of a kind properties that issue at such a little scope has. Self-recuperating materials, counterfeit muscle, and other superb developments are just the start of the new period of innovation.


“What is Nanotechnology?” What Is Nanotechnology? N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2015.

“What is Nanotechnology?” Nanowerk. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2015.

“What is Nanotechnology?” National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2015.

“8 Incredible Nanotechnologies that Actually Exist Today.” Io9. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2015



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