Epidemiological Research Assistant at your county’s Health Department.

You have been recently hired as an Epidemiological Research Assistant at your county’s Health Department. It is only day 1 on the job and you have been asked to develop a presentation for the County Commissioners describing a health disparity within your community.
In your report, you are asked to summarize the demographic information about the population, as well as summarize the health disparity. The County Commissioners ask that you present your findings in a PowerPoint® presentation.
In statistics or epidemiology, when you are asked to summarize an issue, this means that you must do so by using quantitative information. For this Assignment, please summarize by using only descriptive statistics. In order to procure this information, you will need to access databases supported by your State Public Health Department, CDC, CMS, etc.
You should pick a health disparity applicable to your future career. Throughout your presentation, you must appropriately evaluate the effectiveness of descriptive statistics in summarizing the demographics of the population and the health disparity. Provide contextual information where appropriate.

Presentation is 10–12 slides in length.
Use of the speaker’s notes area contains detailed information, while the slides appear uncluttered.
Visual representations of data are used to summarize descriptive statistics of demographical information.
Visual representations of data are used to summarize descriptive statistics of the health disparity.
Descriptive statistics are evaluated for effectiveness. Contextual information is provided.


Sample Solution

r creative side. I would have them create a timeline of their life and identify their milestones. This will allow me to view their past as well as see their aspirations for the future.
The next assignment would involve my students developing a tree. Resources permitting, I would allow my students to digitally design their tree using an iPad or a computer. Taking the information from their timeline and placing it on a tree. Their earliest memories would be categorized as the roots and written at the root of the tree. The trunk will represent them growing older. The branches will represent their prominent memories in which forms their identity. The leaves will represent their interest and things they are involved in such as sports or clubs.

After learning about my student’s different cultural backgrounds, we would then begin learning about multicultural perspectives such as different places around the world and how others live in different countries. For examples, do places in Australia look the same as places in Africa?

During my lesson, I would teach my students different words for “spider” in some of their classmate’s native language, such as Spanish or Mandarin or even ASL (American Sign Language). By doing so, this would allow students the opportunity to build connections amongst their fellow classmates as well as feeling a connection between what they are learning and developing a sense of identity among the topic. By doing so, students learn another language and build connections amongst their classmates. We would then discuss where spiders come from, how long they have been around, and their habitats.

The next part of the lesson would involve my students assessing the differences in how spiders are viewed in different cultures along with their habitats. My students will be required to identify whether or not spiders are protected in that culture, managed, ignored and so on. After completing their research, I will have my students report whether spiders living conditions have changed with time. The students would then create a model of spider’s habitats compared to the past and now in the present.

After determining the impact of human beings on spiders, my students would then be required to develop a plan on how to help spiders and their habitats around the world. My students will be reminded of the different cultures and how spiders are valued among various cultures. The students will be instructed to use the internet to look up the different areas of the world and view how spiders are represented there and what their habitats look like.

Following the completion of the plan to help spiders and their habitats, students will be instructed to pick a single culture and write a letter to Congress about that culture and the importance of spiders within that culture.

Evaluation of Multicultural Technique

The way I would assess the retention levels of my students from the lesson would be to have my students compare and contrast two different cultures and their depictions of spiders in various cultures. My students would be required to share the cultural importance of spiders within those societies. My students could compare the differences between the ways the cultures interact with spiders or what they are used for. For example, in India spid

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