Essay Analysis


The Case: In 2016, the Sandy City, Utah city council adopted an ordinance making it illegal for any person “to sit or stand, in or on any unpaved median, or any median of fewer than 36 inches for any period of time.” Sandy City Traffic Code, Article 16, Section 299.1 (the Ordinance). After the Sandy City council adopted the Ordinance, PlaintiffAppellant Steve Ray Evans received four citations for violating the Ordinance when he stood on narrow or unpaved medians. Evans filed suit against the City and many of its officials under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 in the district court of Utah, alleging the Ordinance is facially invalid because it violates the First Amendment right to free speech. Evans also asked the district court to grant his request for a preliminary injunction. I need a writer to help me write an opinion on this case using at least 3 legal test to justify your opinion on the ruling whether you believe Sandy City infringed on Evan’s First Amendment. Please do not paraphrase from judge BRISCOE, BALDOCK’s opinion.



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cuses on the importance of a coaches behavior and the impact their behavior has on their players. The Multidimensional Model of Leadership alludes that the leaders behavior can influence group performance and member satisfaction. A certain way a coach presents him or herself to their players can have control on how the players will receive the information. The article talks about research that researches completed on 148 collegiate tennis players around the country but their findings were inconclusive. Researchers proceeded with the data that they knew and proceeded the research with DI, DII, and DIII coaches and their players. The total coaching tally was 1025 people which received surveys to complete to answer questions about their relationship with their coaches. The data showed different categories of people that responded more often and how many answered a certain way. The research found that preferred and perceived behavior from coaches impacted satisfaction and individual performance, personal treatment, team performance, and training and instruction. In addition, the study found that preferred, perceived training and instruction behavior predicted satisfaction with personal treatment.

The article was very interesting and I enjoyed learning about the impact collegiate tennis players thought that coaches had an affect on them. The studies were interesting and supported the fact that coaches have more of an impact on their players mental wellness and athletic ability than they know. Not only does this affect tennis players but it also affects every athlete that plays a sport with a coach. A critique that I have would be that it would be interesting if they did a article on the affect the multidimensional theory has on in the workplace because the leadership aspect affect the workforce the same amount if not more than those in athletics.

Andrew, D. P. S. (2009). The impact of leadership behavior on satisfaction of college tennis players: A test of the leadership behavior congruency hypothesis of the multidimensional m

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