Essay Analysis





Exercise 1

1. What does the Movement Ratio window tell us about Sniffy’s behavior during the 10 trials of exercise 1?
-The more it goes up, the more sniffy stays still. He stops moving because he is shocked.

2. The higher the movement ratio bar is for a trial, the ___less__ (more/less) Sniffy is moving immediately after the CS is presented.

3. What does the CS Response Strength mind window indicate about Sniffy’s internal state over the 10 trials of exercise 1?
It indicates the tone’s capacity to produce fear as a psychological process and it increases as the number of trial continued.
Exercise 2
4. What does the Movement Ratio window tell us about Sniffy’s behavior over the 30 trials of exercise 2? Why do you think it takes more trials to extinguish a conditioned emotional response (CER) than to acquire a CER?
-duirng stage 2, when we present CS(tone) without the shock, we see Sniffy losing his fear
Exercise 3

5. What does the Movement Ratio window tell us about Sniffy’s behavior over the trials of exercise 3? In particular, did you see what you expected to see from exercises 2 to 3? Why?
As trial increased, the moment ratio decreased. No. I thought it will go up.

6. Please take a screenshot of the Movement Ratio window and CS Response Strength mind window for all 3 exercises together. Instructions on cutting and pasting the data window can be found on page 29 of the Sniffy text.




Sample Solution

some of the country in the region, with India (2008) and Pakistan(2009) the worst hit recently that causes hundreds of life lost. Other includes the North Korea missile crisis that forces SIA to re-route its flight. China have also seen riot in Xingjian province in July 2009.

3.2 Economic

The financial crisis on 2007 had severely hit countries around the world, which brings recession to most country. The crisis has last through 2008 and made financial institution very cautious in loaning money and companies have gone through tough cost cutting measure to survive. Sign of recovery have shown during year 2009 and IMF has predicted that most of the countries will be out of recession at the end of 2009.

The oil price, hitting a high level of USD 140.00 per barrel at June 2008 has seen a sharp drop to USD 40.00 around December 2008. The price then rise steadily to around USD 80.00, hitting the high peak of 2009 at the end of October [ Nov 09]. The oil price have resulted in mix projection, some have projected the oil price will drop to a comfortable level of USD 70.00 due to most country are still in recession and other speculated that it will continue to surge because of the.

Singapore Tourism Board (STB) has putting in extreme effort in promoting Singapore as destination of MICE (Meeting, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions). In February 2009, a SGD 90 million BOOST (Building on Opportunities to Strengthen Tourism) program is launch, follow by October 2009 announcement on a new Tourism Compass 2020 roadmap to enhance Tourism 2015, the aim to make Singapore leading city for MICE [STB, 12 Oct 2009]. Two integrated resort project costing SGD 18 billion, Marina Bay Sand and Resort World at Sentosa is also going to complete 2010 that is expected to drawn 17 million top quality tourist within the

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