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1-What is the main assertion/argument of the text so far? Or…what’s the plot or premise?
2-How is the text/video/etc formatted? Describe the logical structure and flow that the author has presented thus far.
3-What method(s) of research has the author employed to make their assertions? You might have to do secondary research to properly answer this question
4-What are two to four quotes or moments that *especially* stand out to you in the text so far? Elaborate why these quotes or moments stand out to you.
5-What is one question you’d like to ask the author or someone else who read the text? What’s something you would have to summarize or describe for someone who hasn’t engaged with your material?
6- How does the text connect to the other readings of this week? How does it connect to other readings in the course, or other things you’ve experienced and read?
Aside from blackbirding, a great number of other hate crimes were perpetrated against the indigenous populations of the South Pacific, in some cases conducted as an orchestrated governmental campaign. When the First Fleet arrived in Botany Bay, Sydney, in 1788, setting in motion a seminal cultural collision. In Australia, this often meant the targeting of Aboriginal communities. Section 116 of the Constitution of Australia dates from 1891 (see appendix C), and it was this section of law that validated the removal of Aboriginal children from their families in the now-famous 1997 case Kruger vs the Commonwealth, known as the ‘Stolen Generation Case’. This term is now broadly applied to the issue of Aboriginal children being taken under the care of the Australian government, and is one of the most contentious issues in Australian politics today. In its 1997 report from the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families, the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HEROC) declared the actions of the Australian government to be immoral, and in some circumstances, illegal (appendix D). For many people in Australia today, this case epitomises the mistreatment of the Aboriginal community, as their attempts at legal action rarely see success against the legal might of the Australian government, as well as the British, as, despite Australia gaining its independence in 1901, “the power of the British Crown to disallow Australian legislation remains in our Constitution although it would seem politically impossible to invoke it” . The case is not black and white, as a government study (appendix E) found higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse and smoking with consequent disproportionate representation of Aboriginal people in