Essay analysis





Write an essay that clearly and thoroughly addresses one of the prompts listed below:

Discuss the gradual, non-linear development of the character Dante (the pilgrim) throughout the Inferno.

Discuss the concept of contrapasso in the Inferno; then identify at least three quintessential examples of it and explain why each is great example of the concept.

Discuss the role of Virgil in the Inferno, focusing on how he differs from Dante, his rapport with the Dante, and what he seems to represent or symbolize.

Discuss fame (i.e., or the memory of one’s name) in the Inferno and its relative importance to the damned souls, the characters Dante and Virgil, and the writer Dante.

Discuss the role of the poet Dante (not the pilgrim/character) as fame-maker, prophet, and teacher in the Inferno.


Sample Solution

Essay analysis

Inferno is the part of Italian writer Dante Alighieri`s 14th century epic poem Divine Comedy. The inferno describes Dante`s journey through hell, guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil. Dante the Pilgrim is a man who has, himself, been lost in the dark wood, and he is sympathetic to others who have strayed from the right path. When he finds himself lost in the dark wood, he is terribly frightened, and when Virgil arrives, Dante the Pilgrim is at first apprehensive, cautious, and frightened until he is reassured of Virgil`s noble intentions. Dante, the protagonist, is the only character in the poem that seems to experience character development in the slightest. At the beginning of Dante`s journey he was horrified and felt pity and compassion toward the tortured souls he encountered. Through his journey Dante`s attitude changes from pity and compassion to ridiculing and wishing more punishment of divine retribution upon the sinners within the circles of hell.

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