Essentials of marketing


Requirements: Students must choose an individual product or service ITEM (not a lineor company) and
undertake a critical analysis of the following: 1.A competitor and consumer behaviour analysis
(20%)2.Marketing mix analysis (45%)3.Segmentation, targeting and positioning analysis (35%)The product or
service item must be available for sale in 2020/2021, and the most up to date sources and references as
possible used to form the analysis. When choosing the product or service item, students must:Choose one
country in which to base their analysisEnsure the product or service item is currently for sale in the chosen
country Ensure there is sufficient supporting evidence available in the public domain to undertake the
required analysis

Sample Solution








The Country I Would Like to Live in

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There is no spot like home, as is commonly said. As an individual who has never lived anyplace alongside their nation of origin, I can’t either bolster or deny this case. Likewise, because of this explanation, I can here and there envision myself living in various nations. Among shifting corners of the world I might want to spend in any event several years, I think most about all I might want to live in Japan, which isn’t astonishing, considering my profound and durable enthusiasm for this nation.

The most evident purpose behind such longing for is my adoration for the Japanese language and Japanese culture, which originates from my youth; I despite everything have scratch pads loaded up with counterfeit “Chinese-looking” characters that I wrote in my youth. I recall Chinese fantasies that my Asian companions revealed to me when we were youngsters, and Japanese legends and pictures (presently I realize it was ukiyo-e) in reference books. This intrigue has not blurred; when I grew up, I considered the Japanese language, I dove into its way of life, history, and mind blowing decorum. I welcome the Japanese language for its phonetics, for the assortment of masterful methods, which are not implausible however characteristic and regular. I like Japanese customary culture for its straightforward moderate polish, and for its one of a kind element of making workmanship nearly from anything. Thus, I would value a likelihood to live right now at any rate a year to observe it from within.

Another noteworthy explanation (at any rate for me) is wellbeing. Known as a nation with one of the most reduced number of cops on the planet, Japan is a shockingly sheltered nation; individuals recount stories that youngsters there can unreservedly wander dim midtown metropolitan parks around evening time with no danger to their security (obviously, if kids would need to walk among dull trees around evening time). I can’t say this regarding my old neighborhood, where it is some of the time hazardous to stroll in the inside, also rural areas and downtown.

The following explanation can appear to be guileless, yet I might want to see those great high rises joined with super-restricted, slanted roads sparkling with neon with my own eyes. This isn’t the primary explanation, however on the off chance that you get some information about my relationship with Tokyo, the portrayal above is my answer. Ginza, Shibuya, Roppongi–I accept these names are recognizable to each visitor who has visited Japan. I might want to encounter life in one of the most overpopulated, modern megalopolises on the planet, where mechanical marvels (like candy machines selling nearly everything) go connected at the hip with customs and conventions that check a huge number of years. All the more definitely, I like how Japanese individuals take the best from different societies and adjust it to their mindset and reality.

Alongside this, I am mindful of the weaknesses. Japan comprises of Japanese individuals at about 98%, and the other two percent is partitioned between other Asian countries, and a modest measure of Caucasian individuals; consequently, it is difficult to get one of the fellows for the Japanese. Regardless of whether you warm up to some of them, you will even now remain “that outside person” with all their particular decisions about your character. Japan is costly, some of the time offbeat, and has its own special confused mindset, which is hard to see regardless of whether you go through 20 years living there. What’s more, still, I might want to live there for quite a while.

Thinking about my profound enthusiasm for Japanese culture, history, and language, it is clear why I might want to live right now. The chance to observe all that I have found out about and to apply my language and manners abilities practically speaking is my fundamental motivation to move there. Security and solace of living, just as an abnormal blend of futurism and convention likewise decide, despite the fact that I am mindful of the weaknesses of living in Japan.

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