Ethical and legal implications of patient’s privacy and confidentiality


Develop a Paper that analyzes both the ethical and legal implications of an information technology issue. The student may include any issue that is addressed in the text and/or course readings in order to keep the topic within the framework of the course.


Sample Solution

Ethical and legal implications of patient`s privacy and confidentiality

Since Hippocrates, confidentiality has been presented as 1 cornerstone of ethics in healthcare. Trust is an essential part of the doctor-patient relationship and confidentiality is central to this. Patients may avoid seeking medical help, or may under-report symptoms, if they think their personal information will be disclosed by doctors without consent, or without the chance to have some control over the timing or amount of information shared. While law considers confidentiality as absolute except for legal situations, despite efforts to maintaining confidentiality, sometimes breaching confidentiality is unavoidable but not necessarily unethical.

happen over time. The Second great awakening dealing with religion, “the second coming of Christ”, there was this notion of the need for social reform, to purified society. Slavery was looked at as a bad thing, it was a sin and morally wrong.

Although the Northern states had their Abolitionist, the Southerners rejected the religious ideas of those abolitionist. Southerners slave owners believed that owning slaves was apart of the bible, and that it is kind of a way God wanted it to be, so they are not doing anything wrong. The change in the Economic system took a role in the abolitionism movement, the rise of Adam Smith Capitalism and the industrial revolution. The First Industrial Revolution in the US, free labor and markets and democracy. Slavery was becoming an obstacle to free labor, slavery labor was actually more expensive then wage labor. The reason being was because slavery limits internal markets in the US. (2.5 million slaves in 1830 can turn into 2.5 million new consumers). Slavery stood against the democratic ideals of liberty. Southerners opposed emancipation on the economic ground, slave owners made claims that it took away their private property rights, and poor whites did not want to compete with 2.5 million blacks for jobs in a free-labor economy.

The coming of the civil war is emerging violence is breaking out over Kansas and the division over the Nebraska Territory. Northern Congressmen are trying to ban slavery from Nebraska Territory in 1853. The Kansas- Nebraska act of 1854 was supposed to be the solution of the conflict because it split the Nebraska territory in two, Kansas would be the settlers, and Nebraska would be the free. In 1855 Elections in Kansas stirred up conflict, Missouri slave power intervenes in Kansas border, and casted phony votes. The creation of two governments in Kansas, 1. The Pro slave constitution and 2. The Free-settlers set up gov’t in Topeka in 1856, both of them claims to be legitimacy. This lead to violence breakout in Kansas, pro-slavery ruffians raid free soilers in Kansas, 1856. Irresponsible Agitators, bleeding Kansas, the murderers of pro-slavery settlers in Kansas, and the beating of Charles Sumner in Congress who called slavery a Sinful Harlot.

The political party rise conflict as well, such as the rise of the Republic party, and the election of Abraham Lincoln. The Northern advocates form of political party that was against slavery. The Republican party (1854) abolitionist, free-soilers and Northern democrats. Abraham Lincoln would give abolitionist speeches. The Republican Party’s platform lean more towards an anti-slavery agenda. Republicans viewed slavery as immoral and prohibit the expansion of slavery into all western territories, they op

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