Ethical-Decision Model Presentation


Choose a professional ethical decision-making model to apply to the ethical dilemma.
You must select one that you have been introduced to in this course.
Demonstrate all of the steps from the model that you selected to apply to work through the selected ethical dilemma vignette.
Create a narrated presentation to present your application of the model to the selected ethical dilemma.
Submit your presentation before the deadline.
Path 1: Ethical Dilemma Vignette 1: A Suffering Caregiver (opens in new window)
Path 2: Ethical Dilemma Vignette 2: A Psychologist as a Character Witness (opens in new window)
Path 3: Ethical Dilemma Vignette 3: To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate (opens in new window)

Sample Solution

anxious the apprehension experienced when I first met my group members wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and I coped really well. This was the first time I have ever been group leader I have learned that I am good with organising people and delegating tasks. However I might be overly controlling and rigid. This comes down to having overly high expectations of myself and others. My slight perfectionist personality streak came out resulting from self-inflicted pressuring myself to come out of university with a good degree. I have also learned that I am not very good with coping with conflict, when there was conflicting ideas about how to present the presentation. This conflict which caused me to take a back seat as leader and to dissociate from the group I think this is due to prior childhood trauma. Other members of the group, because of different life experiences to mine, were comfortable and sat with the disagreement with some members thriving off it. Most of the group as a whole were anxious about the pentation although one member wasn’t because they are used to giving presentations.

Active experimentation: based on what I have learned from this experience in future team work (and If I am ever involved in a MDT) I will try and be less overbearing and controlling. This will be achieved by putting more trust in people and their ability to work effectively and letting them run with their own ideas instead of micromanaging them. This strategy was found to be effective in MDT team (Fay, Borrill, Amir, Haward & West, 2006). I will try not to retreat from conflict by engaging and contributing rather than avoiding and/or running away from it. I think as a non-confrontational person if I develop the confidence to participate when there is conflict in future I will be able to help the group resolve differences and negotiate a solution in a calm and inclusive manner. This will make me a better leader

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